ripe looking artichokes ready for harvest

10 Best Companion Plants for Artichokes [Complete Guide]

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When planting artichokes, mix in some good companion plants to help them grow well and ward off pests. And to bolster your veggie harvest!

In this artichoke companion planting guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about what to plant with artichokes – and what to avoid. 

Keep reading to learn more!

The Best Companion Plants for Artichokes

plump artichokes on rural farm - grow them with the best companion plants for artichokes
Artichokes are one of the most underrated crops for homesteaders! Stuffed artichokes are mouth-watering. And artichokes don’t mind growing in chilly conditions. The only problem with choosing artichoke companions is that artichoke plants grow bushier than you think! We read from the UC Master Gardens blog that the diameter of artichoke plants reaches up to six feet! Your artichokes need plenty of space in your garden bed. Choose artichoke growing companions wisely. And account for their sizeable girth!

Artichokes are versatile plants that blend perfectly in many homemade dishes. They are also good companion plants for other vegetables. Some of the best companions for artichokes include tomatoes, potatoes, and beans – but those aren’t your only options.

Read on to learn some of the best companion plants for artichokes!

What Plants Are Best for Artichoke Companion Planting?

Artichokes are a striking addition to any garden, with their large, spiky leaves and beautiful purple flowers. But what are the best companion plants for artichokes? Here are a few options to consider:

1. Arugula

arugula are good companion plants for artichokes
Some of our homesteading friends swear that growing arugula isn’t worth the fuss. They only produce tiny leaves! But – we propose that arugula is a perfect artichoke companion. Arugula is famously easy to cultivate. And fresh arugula leaves add a spicy flavor that’s perfect for fresh garden salads and sandwiches.

Arugula is a peppery green and a great companion plant for artichokes in both the garden and the kitchen. The two plants have similar growing requirements, and the contrast of flavors makes for an exciting dish.

2. Potatoes

freshly harvested organic potatoes
Potatoes are another perfect artichoke companion crop. Potatoes don’t take up much space in your garden. You only need to plant potato plants around nine inches apart. Potatoes are also famously cold-hardy and won’t mind growing in similar conditions to your artichoke plants.

Potatoes are versatile vegetables perfect for any homesteading kitchen. Mash them, bake them, fry them, or make delicious homemade potato chips. They also happen to be one of the best companion plants for artichokes, thanks to their shared preference for full sun and well-drained soil.

3. Beans

imperial broad beans from backyard garden
Broad beans (fava beans) love growing in cooler temperatures – making them natural artichoke companions. We read from the PennState Plant Village blog that broad beans love germinating at 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit soil temperatures. That temperature range is perfect for an artichoke companion counterpart.

Both pole and bush varieties can help support artichokes and protect them from strong winds. Beans don’t take up much lateral space – so they won’t meddle with your artichokes.

4. Tomatoes

delicious looking tomatoes growing on vine - these make good companion plants for artichokes
We’ve grown tomatoes alongside many garden crops! Peppers, kale, zucchini, summer squash, potatoes, and other crops we’re forgetting. We also think tomatoes complement an artichoke garden perfectly. But – remember that indeterminate tomato plants also take up tons of space – just like artichokes. If your garden doesn’t offer adequate space, we advise growing cherry tomato plants in pots instead.

These popular plants make excellent artichoke companions and help benefit any homestead kitchen! Other good options include peppers, zucchini, and eggplant. 

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5. Broccoli

Can you plant broccoli with artichokes? Yes, but note some vital differences between the two plants. Broccoli is a cool-season crop, while artichokes are a warm-season crop. This difference means that you will need to plant them at different times of the year. 

Additionally, broccoli is an annual, while artichokes are perennial. This annual vs. perennial comparison means that artichokes will come back year after year, while broccoli needs replanting each year. 

6. Asparagus

Can asparagus and artichoke be planted together? The answer is yes! Asparagus and artichoke are perennial vegetables. You can plant them once and then watch them regrow year after year. They also have similar growing requirements, such as full sun and well-drained soil.

Planting asparagus and artichoke together can also bring you loads of healthy vitamins and nutrients when you serve them to your family.

Artichoke Seeds Collection - 4 Cultivars | David's Garden Seeds

If you can't decide which artichoke cultivar you want to grow - this packet contains a variety. You get Imperial Star, Purple Italian Globe, Colorado Star, and Green Glove artichoke seeds. These artichoke seeds also come from the USA. Expect a lovely artichoke harvest in approximately 80 days.

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Flowering Companion Plants for Artichokes

One way to make artichokes more likely to thrive is to plant them with flowers. Flowers bring more bees! And bees help your artichokes. The best flowers to consider planting with artichokes include marigolds, nasturtiums, and calendulas. 

1. Marigolds

lovely marigold flower growing in garden - marigolds are great for artichoke companion planting
Marigolds range in color from light yellow to bright orange. They make perfect edging flowers for your walkway or side yard. And they’re perfect if you have a few empty spots in your garden! We read that some marigold cultivars attract aphids. So – try not planting them directly adjacent to your artichokes. Never crowd your crops!

Marigolds attract swarms of beneficial insects, making them excellent companions for artichokes.

2. Nasturtiums

flaming orange garden nasturtium blooming
Nasturtiums look lovely growing within the same garden as your artichokes. They’re intensely colorful – and attract all kinds of garden pollinators. And nasturtiums are edible! We also found an excellent nasturtium culinary guide from the Institute of Culinary Education. The guide has a savory nasturtium pancake recipe that looks good to us!

Nasturtiums beckon boatloads of friendly pollinators, so they’re a welcome addition to any artichoke or vegetable garden.

3. Calendulas

beautiful and bright orange calendula flowers. Calendula flowers are great companion plants for artichokes
Calendulas are tremendously easy to grow and look lovely in any garden. We also read from a reliable source (Wisconsin Horticulture Extension) that the leaves and petals are safe to eat. Homemade salad with tossed artichoke and calendula leaves? Sounds good to us!

Finally, calendulas also attract bees and other pollinators, helping to ensure that the artichokes get pollinated adequately.

(Also – don’t forget that artichokes attract tons of bees in their own right! We believe that the more bees you have in your garden – the better.)

Herbs as Companion Plants for Artichokes

Herbs can make a delicious addition to any dish, and artichokes are no exception. Several herbs pair well with artichokes, including basil, oregano, and thyme

1. Basil

basil plant growing in herb garden
We think basil makes the perfect artichoke companion herb. Basil also grows with just about anything we’ve tried! Basil and artichoke love sunlight. But – you can’t let your basil plants get too cold. We’ve seen severe frost kill basil outright! We also read on the Illinois Extension blog that you should only grow basil after the risk of overnight frost passes.

This fragrant herb is one of the classic companion plants for artichokes. Its potent flavor complements the slightly bitter taste of artichokes, and the two plants also share a fondness for full sun and well-drained soil.

2. Thyme

thyme blooming and growing in herb garden
When analyzing potential artichoke companions, we wanted crops that didn’t take up much space. It must also offer tons of bang (and flavor) for your cash. We think thyme hits both of those marks beautifully! We were also reading about thyme on the UC Master Gardener Program blog. Their thyme growing guide says that thyme plants only grow around one to two feet tall and wide. Thyme plants won’t take up much space – and can help fill your artichoke garden’s empty spots. And you’ll have plenty of yummy herbs to go around!

Thyme is another flavorful herb and an excellent option for adding some pizzazz to an artichoke dish. Like basil, it enjoys sunny conditions and well-drained soil.

3. Oregano

homegrown oregano flowering in garden
Oregano is an underrated artichoke companion! Oregano loves growing in full sun – just like artichokes. Oregano is also famously easy to grow – and takes up much less garden space than other artichoke companion crops you may consider.

The potent aroma of oregano helps to keep away many common garden pests, including aphids, whiteflies, and nematodes. In addition, the artichokes provide a physical barrier that can prevent garden pests from getting to the oregano plants. 

Poor Companion Plants for Artichokes

Are you wondering what not to plant near artichokes? The short answer is this – you can grow anything you want near your artichokes, but make sure you don’t space things too close together. 

Artichokes are large plants, so it’s best to avoid planting anything too close. Smaller plants may get overwhelmed, and larger plants may crowd them out. Give your artichokes plenty of space!


Can you plant cucumbers and artichokes together? Although cucumbers and artichokes are vegetables, they have very different growing requirements. 

Cucumbers are vines that need a lot of space to sprawl, while artichokes are bushy plants that grow best when they get spaced out. As a result, it is generally not a good idea to plant cucumbers and artichokes adjacent to one another. 

Cucumbers will quickly take over the garden bed, crowding out the artichokes and leaving them with insufficient light and air circulation. In addition, the two plants have different water needs, with cucumbers requiring more frequent watering than artichokes. 

Cucumbers aren’t generally good companion plants for artichokes.

Final Thoughts

If you were looking for a few good companion plants to grow with your artichokes, we hope our artichoke companion list helped you!

Remember, however, that it is important to avoid planting vegetables near your artichokes that might compete for nutrients or space. So, be sure to do your research before getting started on your next garden project. Ensure you have adequate space for your artichokes to flourish.

Also – we invite you to share artichoke growing tips you have. In your experience, which artichoke companions are best?

Or maybe you found an unproductive artichoke companion that made everything worse?

We’d love to hear your thoughts either way!

Thanks again for reading.

Have a great day!

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