Young KuneKune pig exploring the green grass.

The Ultimate KuneKune Pig Guide | History, Price, Origin, And Uses!

With their charming appearance and friendly demeanor, KuneKune pigs have captured the hearts of homesteaders and enthusiasts worldwide. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of KuneKune pigs, exploring their origins, characteristics, uses, and more. We’ll also…

adorable piglets on farm

What is a Feeder Pig? And How Do You Raise Them?

Are you thinking about raising a feeder pig (or two – or twelve!) on your farm? If so, you’ll need to know a few feeder pig tips to maximize your luck. And no, a feeder pig isn’t just a pig…


The Best Pig Breeds for Beginners and Small Farms

When you first start looking at getting pigs for your homestead it can be a bit overwhelming. Heck, any new animal is overwhelming. You’ll make a few key decisions upfront though and one of those is which breed of pig…