cheap wire pig fence with horse and chicken
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Cheap Fencing for Pigs to Keep Your Hogs Where You Want Them

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Cheap fencing for pigs – Many people get put off keeping pigs after hearing horror stories about chasing escaped little grunters around the homestead! While an escaped pig is a nightmare, it is not all that costly to confine them securely with the right hog fence.

So, while you might be enviously eyeing up your neighbor’s Fort Knox-style hog wire fence enclosure, there are far cheaper ways to achieve the same results in your yard!

Cheap Hog Fence Solutions

Keeping pigs is a whole different experience from most other types of livestock. While we know chickens will fly over fences, sheep will push through gaps, and goats will scale just about anything in their attempts to break free, pigs come with their own set of problems.

The problem with cheap pig fencing is that your hogs are tremendously strong. They are also very efficient diggers! And – they are freakishly intelligent. They are unlikely to go over the top of a fence but will dig underneath or push through a weak spot in no time.

Luckily – a hog fence does not need to be high. And this can help you cut down costs considerably. You can also utilize many items from around the homestead to reinforce your fences, such as brick rubble and offcuts of logging timber.

multi colored pigs standing behind cheap pig fencing
Woven wire is our favorite cheap pig fencing idea. Woven wire fencing keeps your pigs safe. It’s also easy to find. You can get woven wire fencing on Amazon, Tractor Supply, or Home Depot. You can also upgrade your woven wire fencing with an electric wire. However, many homesteaders detest the idea! (Electric fencing is a personal call. It will make your fence more secure, though. No doubt.)

Electric Fencing for Pigs

Although it can seem like a large initial outlay, electric fencing can often work out as the cheapest way to keep pigs safely confined. Electric fencing is ideal if you are thinking about a spacious pig run. Once you set up the power supply, the wire itself is very cost-effective.

The great thing about an electric fence is that it is easy to install and move. This mobility enables you to create smaller pig pens – which your pigs can rotate around.

Pigs need to learn to respect an electric fence. And it is not a completely failsafe option. For this reason, many pig owners prefer to use a more secure boundary fence with electric inside to subdivide the land.

Small-Scale Pig Raising | Dirk van Loon
$27.95 $15.13

Small-Scale Pig Raising by Dirk van Loon is one of our favorite resources for new hog ranchers. And homesteaders! The book covers all angles for new pig wranglers, including pig penning, handling, farrowing, commercial hog feed, pig housing, hog butchering, and more. It's perfect for anyone new to pig raising and pig farming. It contains 274 pages.

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08/28/2024 10:26 pm GMT

Post and Rail Pig Fencing

Wooden post and rail fences make a secure boundary for pigs, and this is a very cost-effective solution if you have a free or cheap source of timber. But pigs can chew through wood, so use the thickest timber you can afford.

The lower half of the fence will need to be completely solid to stop the pigs from pushing through the gaps. You could box in the bottom section with wood. Or use galvanized wire netting instead.

young spotted pig behind cheap pig fencing
Here’s another piggy safely contained behind some woven wire fencing. Even though livestock fencing is likely one of your highest livestock grazing expenses, woven wire is probably our favorite cheap pig fencing option. It’s surprisingly strong – but your pigs may try to dig underneath! For that reason – some ranchers add a tiny thread of electric wire toward the bottom of the fence.

Woven Wire Fencing

Woven wire is an excellent cheap option. But it’s not perfect.

Woven wire mesh fencing, also known as netting, is only effective for keeping pigs secure if the strands of wire are at least 3mm thick. Standard chicken wire is insufficient, as they can rip or chew through it!

Sturdy posts made of wood or concrete are required to hold the wire in place, and the bottom of the wire will need to get buried to stop the pigs from pushing under it.

Read More – Best Pig Bedding Materials

Top Tips for Building a Hog Fence on a Budget

Here are some great tips to prevent your piggies from escaping into your vegetable garden.

  • The most secure fence contains wooden posts, pig fence rail, and galvanized pig netting. This affordable combination will cost more to install initially. But it can stand the test of time.
  • Run a line of electric fencing along the interior to dissuade the pigs from rooting under the fence.
  • Bury the bottom section of galvanized wire netting in a trench. Filling this with rubble will slow down your pigs if they try pushing underneath it.
  • Pigs can push gates upwards with their sturdy snouts! Use hinge locks to hold gates securely in place.
  • Happy pigs are less likely to escape, so provide them with plenty of shade and a muddy area to wallow.
white and black pigs behind chain link fence
Chain-link fences aren’t a cheap option. Sometimes chain-link is expensive! However, chain-link fences work wonders at containing your pigs and can also help keep your other farm animals and cattle safe. I’ve also found that a four to six-foot-high chain-link fence deters many predators – especially coyotes and pesky neighborhood dogs.

Read More – What’s a Feeder Pig? And How Do You Raise One?

Pig Fence Building FAQs

Let’s analyze the many burning questions about how to keep your pigs safe and secure!

What Type of Fence Is Best for Pigs?

The best type of fence for pigs will depend on the pig type you want to keep and whether the pig fence is to be permanent or not. Wooden posts and rail fencing with galvanized pig netting provide a secure permanent cheap pig fence. And electric fencing creates an efficient boundary that is easy (for you) to move.

What Is the Cheapest Livestock Fence?

If you have free timber available on your land, it can get used for creating a cheap livestock fence. It will need to be reinforced with galvanized wire if you consider keeping pigs.

How Much Does a Hog Panel Cost?

Hog panels come with a hefty price tag, and you should expect to pay at least $5 for every foot of fencing. The cost might be much higher – depending on where you shop.

Hog panel fencing consists of large, sturdy wire mesh panels. They can get supported by a wooden frame. Hog paneling is a popular and cheap pig fencing for smaller homesteads, as it will keep many types of livestock safe and secure. Not just pigs!

How Do I Build a Pig Proof Fence?

Make sure you walk along the fence to check for vulnerable spots and holes! Pigs are surprisingly strong and will soon find a weak spot in your pig fence. They are more likely to push through a gap than knock your cheap pig fencing over. So it pays to be meticulous about ensuring every section is as secure as possible. Walk the perimeter, and secure any openings with timber, woven wire, or other sturdy fencing materials you can use to patch your cheap pig fence.

Do Pigs Dig Under Fences?

Yes! Pigs are notorious for digging under fences. And if they can get their snout under the pig fence wire, they will break free in no time. Many homesteaders put wooden boards along the bottom of galvanized wire pig netting to stop them from digging under it.

Do Pigs Need Electric Fence?

It is possible to keep pigs without an electric fence, but using one does make life a lot easier! Without electric fencing, you will need a sturdy yet cheap pig fence made from wooden posts, rail, and galvanized wire netting. This inexpensive pig fencing combination is an excellent solution for permanent pig fencing but takes a lot of time and effort to install. For added security – add an electric wire. Or two!

cheap wire pig fence with horse and chicken
We read from a reliable source that fencing as low as 20-inches high can help contain pigs. Add a few more inches for even more security! We also studied an experiment detailed on the Texas AgriLife Extension Service that revealed pig fencing as high as 28 to 34-inches successfully prevented wild hogs from accessing a bait station. So – your pig fence doesn’t need to be monumental! Cheap pig fencing a few feet high should be sufficient in most cases. 
cute pig snout behind wooden hog fencing
Don’t forget wooden fence posts! Wooden posts and stockade fences can help to contain your pigs. We admit that wooden fence posts aren’t a viable cheap pig fencing option for many homesteaders. The cost is higher than woven wire. But – if you can afford wooden fence posts – they work wonders. We like cedar or red cedar fence posts the most. When treated, they can last up to 25 years. The initial outlay might be much more expensive than woven wire. But at least they last!


Remember that pigs are surprisingly good at escaping. And – they’re freakishly smart!

We hope our guide gave you good tips to prevent your pigs from wandering off. If you have more questions or helpful tips for the best fence? Please share with us!

We know plenty of pig wranglers are out there – and we love brainstorming with you.

Thanks again for reading.

And have a great day!

Read More – 35+ Cute and Funny Pig Names for Your Entire Litter!

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