mylar foil bags for storing and preserving dried foods

The 2024 Complete Guide to Storing Food In Mylar Bags

We love storing food in Mylar bags. The past few years have taught the world the value of preparation for unforeseen emergencies. Whether you consider yourself a prepper or not, it’s hard to deny the benefits of having extra food…

raw cereals pasta and grains with canned foods

Best Canned Food for Survival | 2024 Definitive Guide

The best-canned food for survival situations is that which makes you the healthiest and, hopefully, tastes good, too. Read on to learn about the food canning process, how it affects the nutritional content of the foods getting canned, and which…

colorful and vibrant moss with various shades of green

Edible Mosses – Can You Eat Moss and 3+ Types to Forage

Can you eat moss? Yes, but it isn’t highly recommended and can be dangerous! Humans have used mosses for millennia to determine direction, insulate structures, locate water sources, disinfect foul water and soil, combat soil erosion, for some health benefits,…

hand holding a clean glass of drinking water from tap filter

How to Dechlorinate Tap Water for Free and at Home! [6 Ways]

If you have ever lost your water supply for a week or longer due to storm power outages, you appreciate the benefits of city water. But public water systems have a notable downside. The water sometimes tastes chlorinated. Sometimes heavily chlorinated!…

woman holding mushroom stuffed wicker basket in autumn forest

Poisonous Lawn Mushroom Types [Edible vs. Toxic Mushroom Guide!]

Let’s discuss poisonous lawn mushroom types, and which lawn mushrooms are poisonous, deadly, or toxic! Because there is a lot of concern about finding poisonous mushroom types in our backyard. Many homesteaders avoid foraging for lawn mushrooms because they are…

lovely wooden cabin home with satellite antenna

17 Off-Grid Communication Options [From High-Tech to Low-Tech!]

You lucky fish! You have an off-grid life, free of corporate and public cables and pipes. But are you able to communicate beyond earshot without cell or internet connectivity? How vital are voice and data communication to your off-grid lifestyle? Off-grid…