Nut Wizard vs Garden Weasel – Which Nut-Gatherer Is Best?
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When cleaning up your lawn this autumn, the last thing you need is a mess left behind by unwanted guests.
I’m talking about walnuts that those pesky squirrels leave behind. (How rude!)
Isn’t it frustrating trying to pick up leftover walnuts with your hands for hours? I know about this experience all too well since I own black walnut trees in my backyard.
Sometimes, cleaning up after your walnut trees is a hassle! The thought of bending over repeatedly to remove the walnuts manually is daunting.
The solution? Get a nut gatherer!
Nut gatherers help to collect nuts of any kind. Just roll the nut gatherer over your walnuts. Then – watch as the nuts and other yard debris (seemingly) disappear like magic. Nice!
So – which nut gatherer is best? If you’ve never used one before – choosing the right option seems tricky!
But don’t despair – we’re comparing the two best nut-gatherer options for your homestead.
Nut Wizard vs Garden Weasel Comparison
While I prefer the Garden Weasel for the simplicity and ease of use – both of the following nut gatherers are excellent.
Let’s take a much closer look at both nut gatherers and their specs, pros, and cons.
Shall we?
Nut Wizard: Nut Picker Upper
The Nut Wizard nut gatherer is lightweight at 3.4 pounds, and it has a lot of storage space inside its steel wire cage. If you need to pick up an entire apple with this thing, you would have the right tool in hand.
The nut gatherer cage has a range from 1.25 inches to 4 inches in diameter. You can comfortably gather a dozen walnuts inside the nut gatherer cage in a single session!
You also get the optional wire dumper mechanism that makes emptying the cage very easy and convenient. You only have to place the Nut Wizard over the wire dumper attached to a bucket or box and then turn to get the nuts out.
The Nut Wizard assembles in only three pieces. Pieces include the cage, the frame, and the pole. Using this tool can save you at least 45 minutes of picking up nuts by hand!
Garden Weasel Large Nut Gatherer
The Garden Weasel nut gatherer tool is also lightweight at 3 pounds, and it is capable of picking up objects that are anywhere from 1.5 inches to 3 inches in size.
Along those pesky walnuts, this nut gatherer also picks up gum balls, magnolia seeds, and small fruits.
The maximum capacity of this nut gatherer is around 1.5 gallons, so this will save you plenty of time to perform other tasks in your yard.
What makes this nut gatherer stand out to me is how simple it is to use. You only have to roll over any surface in your yard with a back and forth (rocking) motion.
Removing objects from the steel basket is also simple as you spread the wires apart over a bucket – then you shake the basket to dislodge.
The wire cage that makes up the basket is heat-tempered, so it will (hopefully) always maintain its shape while you use it.
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Item Height
The height of your nut-gatherer is more important than you think – especially if you have a large yard to declutter!
Thankfully, when it comes to height, both of these nut-gatherers have considerable reach.
The Nut Wizard measures 48 inches, and the Garden Weasel measures 47.5 inches.
Any nut-gathering tool worth anything must offer relief from reaching for objects on the ground! Otherwise – what’s the point?
I’m pleased to report that both of these nut-gatherers effortlessly perform this task and provide excellent leverage.
Item Weight
The great thing about tools like nut-gatherers is that they don’t give you a lot of trouble when handling them and removing yard debris.
In other words, most nut-gatherers are not heavy items. They’re small and light enough to carry around your yard without stress.
That is the case with both of these tools as the Nut Wizard weighs 3.4 pounds and the Garden Weasel only weighs 3 pounds.
So, even if you find manual walnut removal and yard pick-up exhausting (I can’t blame you) – hopefully, these nut-gatherers are easy to maneuver around your yard.
The Nut Wizard effortlessly gathers nuts, fruits, and other objects – anywhere from 1.25 inches to 4 inches in diameter.
The Nut Wizard has a basket capacity of roughly 10 inches wide and 9.5 inches deep.
In comparison, the Garden Weasel can pick up walnuts and other small items that range from 1.5 to 3 inches in size.
The Garden Weasel’s basket capacity is roughly 1.5 gallons.
If nut-gathering capacity in the steel wire cage matters a lot to you, then the Nut Wizard has more room to spare.
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Both of these nut gatherers are of high quality and feature firm builds – and sturdy materials.
The steel wire cages of both nut-gathering devices are durable enough to handle your backyard walnuts – no doubt.
They won’t break on you like any cheap dollar store brand nut-gatherers.
The main difference between these two tools is that the Nut Wizard has a wooden handle, whereas the Garden Weasel is made entirely from steel.
If you don’t mind spending for nut pick-up tools, you wouldn’t do a double-take at the Nut Wizard’s $80 price tag.
The estimated price of the Garden Weasel is around $63, which means that it is considerably cheaper than the Nut Wizard.
However, the price gap between these two tools isn’t too steep.
There is a big difference in the warranty plans for these tools!
The Nut Wizard only offers a standard 1-year warranty.
On the flip side, the Garden Weasel includes a lifetime warranty! So, no matter what happens to their nut-gatherer tool – you need not stress.
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Nut Gatherer Buyer’s Guide
Is the lack of information on competent nut-gathering tools driving you nuts? (Okay, that was an easy pun.)
Here we’ll provide a solid buyer’s guide of things to look out for when you consider purchasing a nut-gatherer.
There is nothing too complex about a nut-gatherer, but knowing how one works for your yard will be a big step forward for you to take.
Why Do You Need a Nut-Gathering Tool?
Here is one big reason why you should consider getting a nut-gathering tool. You will give your lawnmower better protection.
The unexpected answer, right?
I have often experienced this in my yard – where I have had hundreds of black walnuts scattered all over the place.
By the time I have to mow the lawn, the walnuts are out in full force!
Walnuts have a way of damaging lawn mower blades if hit at the right angle, so using a nut-gatherer first before you bust out the lawnmower makes sense.
Also – I worry that if you leave loads of walnuts scattered on your lawn – that your grass may miss out on valuable sunlight!
How Many Nut-Gatherers Do You Need?
It depends on your lawn and what it needs.
If you have a smaller yard, such as less than one acre, I recommend just getting one nut-gatherer.
However, if you have a massive yard, you may think about getting two or three nut-gatherers.
Consider your needs – and your results may vary.
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How Often Should I Clean My Nut-Gathering Tool?
Depending on what brand you get, most nut-gatherers require little to no maintenance at all.
The most work you will have to do in cleaning a nut-gathering tool is to get a cloth or towel and carefully wipe off the steel wire cage piece by piece.
Nut-gatherer maintenance takes less time than lawn mower maintenance, so spending a few minutes of your time cleaning a nut-gatherer won’t chew into your day too much.
Also – read the owner’s manual for the nut-gatherer model you choose. Follow any routine maintenance instructions from the manufacturer for the best results and longevity of your nut-gathering tool!
Should a Nut-Gatherer Have Bendable Capabilities?
Nuts can accumulate anywhere in a yard, and that includes hills and slopes.
You might consider a bendable nut-gatherer if you have a yard that has many hills and slopes. Hilly terrain is tricky to declutter – so you need all the help you can get!
Luckily, I think the majority of nut-gatherers are adaptable enough to manage most terrains.
If your homestead’s terrain is very rocky or hilly, you can use a rake to sweep the walnuts to a location your nut-gatherer can reach.
Not the best situation – but still better than manual walnut removal. I think!
Should a Nut-Gatherer Have A Dislodging Function?
In my opinion, a nut-gatherer should have a built-in dislodging function that allows you to release all the nuts you have gathered freely.
Not that there’s anything wrong with manually pushing or pulling apart the steel wires to get the nuts out of the cage, but you do run the risk of damaging your nut-gatherer that way.
You can also save yourself a ton of time cleaning your yard with a dislodging function. So, my answer is yes.
For sure!
Which Nut-Gatherer is Best? My Final Answer!
Who knew that nut gatherers do so much work!? If you have a yard that constantly gets flooded by nuts and fruits during the year, then having a nut-gathering tool saves a ton of effort.
So – who wins. Nut wizard vs garden weasel? I think both have merits and get the job done.
Keep reading:
Final Thoughts
Out of the two options discussed, I would personally prefer getting the Garden Weasel first. It is a tool that I can see myself using because its durable steel design would allow me to roll it over the ground – without hassle!
The durability of the Garden Weasel is a deciding factor for me. However, it is up to you to decide which nut-gatherer is best for your yard!
Also – let us know your experience with nut-gatherers?
Do you have any additional tips on how to use a nut-gatherer?
Have you had to deal with squirrels tossing their nuts onto your turf?
Do you have any advice on how to prevent squirrels from invading your yard?
Let us know in the comments section below!
Thanks so much for reading!
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