17 Best Celery Companion Plants to Boost Growth and Repel Pests
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We’re huge fans of companion planting around here, as this age-old method can massively reduce the risk of garden nuisances and disease in the garden and help boost crop yields. You can reduce your workload and increase the chances of a fabulous crop by choosing the ideal celery companion plants for your garden – an undeniable win-win situation!
Let’s brainstorm some of our favorite celery companions – and our thought process as to why they can help skyrocket crop health and yields.
Sound good?
Then let’s begin!
How Does Companion Planting Help Celery?

Companion planting is a simple yet effective way of boosting productivity in the vegetable plot by planting certain plants next to each other.
The fascinating thing about plants is that they all have unique likes and dislikes – including which plants they grow next to. Some plants have a symbiotic relationship – they benefit each other when grown nearby.
These inter-plant relationships are incredibly complex, and many are not fully understood. It is only in recent years that scientists have identified ways in which plants support each other, such as sharing nutrients through their root systems. However, gardeners for many centuries have observed that certain plants grow better when planted next to each other.
Benefits of companion planting include:
- More nourishing and healthier plants with increased crop yields
- Reduction in pests and diseases
- Plants that are more resilient to harsh and extreme growing conditions
- Improved soil health
- Fewer weeds
In a way, companion planting mimics what happens in the natural world. Frequently, wild plants grow together to create a mini ecosystem where they all thrive rather than compete with each other – a perfect example of teamwork!
17 Best Celery Companion Plants to Boost Growth and Repel Pests
Have you had problems growing celery? This crunchy green vegetable can be notoriously tricky to grow. It is incredibly fussy about its growing conditions – and is a frequent target of numerous pests and diseases.
For climate, celery likes plenty of water but not waterlogged soil. It bolts in hot temperatures and barely grows at all in cold weather. And then, even if you get the perfect growing conditions, your crop can be decimated by aphids, leaf miners, cabbage loopers, celery worms – the list goes on and on!
The good news is that this is where companion planting can help! We can use other plant species alongside rows of celery plants to boost growth, provide shade, and deter problematic pests.
As far as possible, the list below only contains celery companion plants with proven benefits. However, research into companion planting is still in its infancy, so we gardeners often rely on anecdotal evidence and our growing experience rather than scientific facts.
Luckily, when it comes to celery, there are some tried and tested companion plants that bring successful results time and time again!
They are as follows.
Best Vegetable Crops to Grow Near Celery
1. Onions & Other Alliums

Onions and other members of the allium family – garlic, chives, leeks, and shallots – can all be fantastic companion plants for celery. Their symbiotic relationship is thanks to their strong fragrance, which repels some of the most troublesome pests that can lay waste on your celery crop.
So, if aphids are severely stunting the growth of your celery plants, a row of alliums planted in between can be an excellent repellent.
Interestingly, many gardeners also claim that onions and other alliums also improve the flavor of celery. I’ve yet to decide if there is any difference in taste. But we have seen the benefits of using alliums as a highly effective aphid deterrent!
2. Bush and Pole Beans

When planted together, celery and beans have a mutually beneficial relationship. The potent aroma of celery leaves will repel pests such as bean beetles, helping to maximize your yield of delicious beans. In return, the bean plants fix nitrogen into the soil, providing a boost of essential nutrients to your bean plants.
It is vital to carefully plan when choosing the perfect beans to plant near celery. Bush beans can work well in cooler climates, as they are less likely to block vital sunlight and warmth from your celery plants. In a hotter region, taller pole beans can give essential shade to celery, helping to reduce the risk of bolting.
Read More – What to Plant With Tomatoes to Keep Bugs Away – 19 Fabulous Tomato Companion Plants!
3. Spinach

Spinach and celery are another combination of plants that have a mutually beneficial relationship. The pest-repellent properties of celery can help deter bugs that like to feast on spinach, while the leafy growth of spinach is perfect for keeping the soil cool and moist.
The other bonus to this combination is that celery and spinach require the same growing conditions – nutrient-rich, well-draining soil in partial shade. Their similar growing preference makes them easy to grow, side by side, maximizing your chances of healthy growth and a successful crop.
4. Cucumbers

When grown together, tall cucumber vines provide the perfect shady spot for celery plants. In return, celery is undeniably effective in repelling whiteflies, a harmful pest that can quickly decimate even the healthiest cucumber plants.
There are two ways you can grow cucumbers and celery together. Plant two or three celery plants in the center if you cultivate your cucumbers up a circular wigwam. For trellised cucumbers, celery should grow on the side with less sun – let them relax in the shade.
5. Cabbage and Other Brassicas

Cabbage and celery is an odd combination, as some gardeners swear by its effectiveness, while others will tell you that it makes no difference. The theory behind their relationship is that the scent of celery repels white cabbage moths from laying their eggs on cabbages and other brassicas, which seems to work for many homesteaders.
However, cabbage loopers are destructive cabbage pests that can also damage celery crops, so it is hard to say whether growing these two crops together is worth the risk.
If you lose brassica crops yearly to white cabbage moths, I’d say planting celery nearby is worth trying! But remember to keep them well spaced out, as cabbages and celery are both hungry plants that may compete for nutrients.
Read More – 11 Fabulous Thyme Companion Plants! – Fruit Bushes, Herbs, and Veggies!
8 Best Herbs to Grow Near Celery

Planting herbs in and around your vegetable plot can be hugely beneficial, as they attract beneficial pollinators while deterring harmful insects that could potentially damage your crops. We grow herbs in all sections of our homestead for this very reason, and we’ve seen fewer pests and diseases over recent years.
Herbs not only help with insects – they also provide shade and ground cover, keeping weeds at bay and retaining precious moisture in the soil.
The best herb companions for celery are sage, oregano, rosemary, and thyme. Mint can also be effective, but try not to let it spread too far. Dill, tansy, and anise hyssop also have excellent reputations as good companion plants for celery.
These open pollinated, non-GMO seeds are an excellent companion for your veggie and herb plants. They produce beautiful blooms that look great in any garden - and have a lovely fragrance. Sage also summons troves of beneficial pollinators - including bees and hummingbirds.
Recap – Best Celery Herb Companions:
- Sage
- Oregano
- Rosemary
- Thyme
- Mint
- Dill
- Tansy
- Anise hyssop
Oregano, rosemary, and sage produce breathtaking blooms that complement your veggie and herb garden. So – they are excellent crops even without celery.
And – if you want more beautiful flowers with your celery crop, we recommend the following.
4 Best Flowers to Grow Near Celery

I found it hard to get my head around adding flowers to my vegetable garden plans – it didn’t seem to make sense to waste space growing something we couldn’t eat!
But by choosing the right flowers, you can attract helpful insects and repel pests, helping to boost your crop yields while also adding vibrant beauty to your garden. And, many flowers are, in fact, edible!
Nasturtiums are among the best companion plants for various vegetable crops, as they are tremendously attractive to aphids. Their appealing nature makes them perfect as a sacrificial or trap crop to lure aphids away from your carefully nurtured celery plants.
To lure in predatory insects such as parasitic wasps, plant cosmos, and marigolds in all your vegetable garden beds. Marigolds also emit a strong scent that repels some common pest species from nearby crops. Many of our long-time gardening friends believe this miracle plant may also inhibit harmful nematode activity in the soil.
And finally, placing geranium plants around your celery patch can help to deter slugs, earworms, cabbage worms, and flea beetles.
These Nasturtium seeds are perfect for growing alongside your flower, herb, or veggie gardens. The seed bag contains over 900+ colorful orange, red, and yellow nasturtium seeds - enough to cover around 80 square feet. These nasturtium seeds are open-pollinated and non-GMO. And your backyard bees and pollinators will also love them.
To Recap – Best Flowery Celery Companions:
- Nasturtiums
- Cosmos
- Marigolds
- Geraniums
PS: Remember that celery plants are a biennial that needs bees if you want to produce seeds in their second year. (Other yummy garden crops fall into this category, too – like kale, carrots, onions, and radishes.) That is another reason we advocate growing many flowers in your herb, fruit, and veggie gardens.

Thanks so much for reading our celery companion plants guide.
We love growing celery – and adding freshly chopped (and minced) pieces to our soups, salads, and sandwiches. Celery is also perfect as a snack straight from the garden.
We also know growing celery is somewhat complicated. But – we think our celery companions can help improve your harvest. Big time!
What about you?
- Are you going to grow celery this year – or next year?
- Have you ever experienced celery pests in your garden?
- Do you ever grow celery seeds? Or – only the edible stalks?
- Have you ever tried farming celery alongside cabbage? Did the celery help repel white cabbage moths?
- Do you cultivate any other little-known celery companion crops?
We would love to hear your celery-growing thoughts, insights, and experiences
Thanks again for reading.
Have an excellent day!
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