A lovely and fancy looking Ancona chicken standing in a field.

What Chickens Lay White Eggs [White Egg Laying Chickens Top 19]

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One of the coolest parts of raising chickens and being a backyard chicken keeper is collecting multi-colored eggs every week! Blue eggs, green eggs, pink eggs, even orange eggs! But maybe there’s a higher demand for white chicken eggs in your neighborhood – or perhaps some of your family members prefer bright, white eggs. So, what chickens do lay white eggs?

Well, there are a few chicken breeds that I would recommend above all others that lay white eggs consistently and reliably.

Some of the most popular, easy-to-raise chicken breeds that lay white eggs are leghorn, ancona, Minorca, Sicilian buttercup, Catalana, and Andalusian chickens. However, there are many different breeds of chickens that lay white eggs.

Let’s discuss 19 of our favorite white egg laying chickens. We’ll also talk about why chickens lay white eggs, the differences between white eggshells and brown eggshells, brown egg myths, plus one of my favorite hybrid chickens that lays incredible eggs that you won’t believe.

Let’s take a look!

Why Do Some Chickens Lay White Eggs?


The reason why some chickens lay white eggs, and some lay green eggs or blue eggs, is old-fashioned chicken genetics!

Different breeds lay different color eggs. It’s the same reason why some chickens are flighty and why some are docile.

It’s also why some chickens have adorably feathered feet, and some are bare-legged. Chicken DNA!

Mother nature is a mad scientist – especially when it comes to designing and coloring chicken eggs.

What Chickens Lay White Eggs

  1. Leghorn
  2. Ancona
  3. Minorca
  4. Sicilian Buttercup
  5. Catalana
  6. Andalusian
  7. Egyptian Fayoumi
  8. Polish Chicken
  9. Hamburg
  10. California Gray
  11. California White
  12. La Fleche
  13. Campine
  14. Lakenvelder
  15. White Silkie Bantam
  16. Appenzeller Spitzhaubens
  17. White Faced Black Spanish
  18. Sumatra
  19. Holland Chicken

We’ll go into detail on all our white egg laying chicken breeds below!

There are hundreds of breeds of chickens, and many of them lay white eggs. Several Mediterranean chickens lay white eggs reliably and make perfect homesteading companions if you want loads – and baskets of fresh eggs.

Mediterranean chickens also rock for your flock because they’re smaller and require less chicken feed than several brown-egg-laying chickens.

They can usually tolerate warm weather without stress and will happily produce baskets and cartons of delicious, white eggs.

One of the only downsides of Mediterranean chickens is that they usually don’t like the cold weather. I don’t blame them!

There are also plenty of white egg-laying chickens that didn’t originate from around the Mediterranean – including three of my favorite chooks with charming personalities that work their tails off producing eggs for you and your family.

I’m excited to introduce the following white egg-laying breeds!

White Egg Laying Chicken Breeds In Detail

1. Leghorn

The Leghorn lays white eggs – and lots of them!

Leghorns are a legendary and beautiful chicken breed from Italy. The Leghorns go first on this list because they’re capable commercial egg producers.

They’re known for their featherless feet, white feathers, white or yellow skin, and gorgeous white eggs. There are several varieties of Leghorn chickens. Many Leghorns also resemble Foghorn Leghorn – so they get bonus points!

I consider Leghorns to be an easy chicken breed to raise. (Did you know your local Tractor Supply sells chickens? Here’s where to buy Leghorn chicks.)

2. Ancona

ancona chicken
Ancona chickens are similar to Leghorns with bright white eggs

If you want your egg basket richly stuffed with bright-white eggs, then the Ancona is one of my favorites!

Ancona chickens are similar to Leghorns and hail from Ancona, Italy. They look a lot like Leghorns, and people call them “Mottled Leghorns.” They are very flighty, though. Beware! Learn more in The History of Ancona Fowl.

3. Minorca

minorca chicken
The gorgeous Minorca chicken

Minorca chickens are a red-faced, hardy, white-egg-laying chicken. These chickens are an excellent addition to any backyard flock, and they’re popular and easy to find. Minorca chickens also have adorably-large earlobes.

Try not to stare – or laugh!

If you want to learn more about Minorcas, check out this Minorca chicken book!

4. Sicilian Buttercup

The Sicilian Buttercup lays delicious white eggs.
The Sicilian Buttercup lays delicious white eggs.

While this chicken originally flocks from Sicily, it came to the US in the early 1800s. Since then, the Sicilian Buttercup has emerged as an excellent source of delicious, white eggs.

Sicilian Buttercups have loads of personality, are fun pets, and have exceptional heat tolerance.

5. Catalana

catalana chicken
The Catalana chicken is a white egg laying chicken, perfect for warmer climates.

This Spanish chicken also loves warm weather. Unlike many Mediterranean chickens, though, the Catalana is a double-purpose chicken breed perfect for meat or beautiful, medium, white eggs – or sometimes creamy white eggs.

They’re a top choice backyard chicken if your family has a colossal appetite for eggs! Perfect for a batch of eggs over easy or for stuffing your favorite Easter basket.

6. Andalusian

andalusian chicken
Andalusian chickens are a wonderful, white egg laying backyard breed!

These majestic white egg layers are wonderful backyard breeds. Look for the famous and beautiful, blue-laced plumage that some Andalusians have!

Andalusian chickens are also adventurous birds that love to forage, peck, and explore. But they’re relatively rare. If you ever get the chance, add some to your flock!

7. Egyptian Fayoumi

egyptian fayoumi chicken
The Egyptian Fayoumi chicken is a spirited white-egg layer and a great forager!

Here’s an ancient and famous chicken worthy of adding to this list of white (or slightly-creamy) egg layers.

This beautiful bird hailing from Egypt has tons of spirit. Despite its small size, the Fayoumi chicken is a proficient forager and has a zest for life and open free-range spaces.

They’re both friendly and courageous – but desire a cage-free lifestyle. They are not quiet birds when rattled!

8. Polish Chicken

polish chicken

This European breed of chicken is one of the fanciest looking chickens in any flock – guaranteed!

This bird’s impressive feather crest, lustrous earlobes, and bright red face make it one of the showiest white egg layers on this entire list. Watching these chickens strut and cluck will cause you to crack a smile and laugh – for sure.

9. Hamburg

hamburg chicken
Hamburg chickens are beautiful and they’re great egg layers, too!

These flashy chooks look beautiful, fill a carton of eggs in no time, and have outstanding personalities.

If you ever see a flock with a few Hamburg chickens, you’ll also notice that they come in a wide variety of colors ranging from black, white to gold. They’re excellent producers of bright white, lustrous, delicious, and beautiful eggs.

10. California Gray

california gray chicken
The California Gray chicken is one of our favorites!

I love California Gray chickens because they produce lots of eggs, and they’re also some of the best backyard chickens.

They’re a mixed chicken breed with Barred Plymouth Rock and White Leghorn parents. The California Gray also has an excellent temperament which makes them ideal for family-friendly or commercial flocks alike.

I find that many of the Mediterranean breeds are superb at evading predators. They’re often light, flighty, alert, and loud if startled.

However, I always recommend that you keep your chickens safely nestled in their favorite chicken coop come nightfall.

We wrote an excellent guide about how to build the best chicken coop without breaking the bank. This guide rocks if you’re starting a new chicken coop from scratch or want to spoil your chickens with the good life.

I also found a vintage chicken guide about Mediterranean chicken egg production from the USDA that I thought was an excellent read. Find more info on that below!

Read this Vintage Chicken Guide from 1917! If you want an excellent (and antique) guide discussing the standard varieties of chickens, including Mediterranean and continental classes, then check out this Farmers’ Bulletin Volume 898 from the US Department of Agriculture.

If you’re a history buff and love old-fashioned farming literature, this guide is a goldmine of egg production data and a charming read. It’s from 1917 – so prepare to step into a time machine!

Recommended Book
The Homesteader’s Natural Chicken Keeping Handbook
$24.95 $19.98

This is your complete homesteader's guide to raising, feeding, breeding, and selling chickens!

Written by Amy Fewell with a foreword by Joel Salatin, this book teaches you how to hatch your own chicks, prevent and treat common chicken ailments, start a poultry business, cook delicious recipes with your fresh eggs, and much more.

Perfect for anyone wanting to take a natural approach to backyard chicken keeping!

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01/21/2025 04:39 am GMT

11. California White


California white hens are just as fantastic as California Grays. With their large, creamy eggs, delicious meat, and easy-to-please personalities, these birds are ideal for anyone – even beginner chicken parents!

12. La Fleche

la fleche white chicken

“La Fleche” means “the arrow,” and these chickens got that name because La Fleche roosters have horn-shaped combs. But we are here to talk about the hens.

La Fleche hens are critically threatened, so raising these white egg layers on your homestead would be a great service to chicken diversity everywhere.

La Fleche hens lay up to 220 eggs a year, averaging three eggs a week. While these hens aren’t broody at all, they are supposed to be bad mothers. So, you may need to intervene a bit more if you want to raise La Fleche chicks.

But it sure is worth it to raise the chicks! La Fleche are dual-purpose hens with delectable meat.

13. Campine

campine chicken

Campine chickens are friendly free-range chickens that have a high energy conversion ratio. So, when compared to other hens of a similar size, Campines eat less and produce more!

For that reason, these feathered friends are always welcome on our homesteads.

Speaking of friends, this breed isn’t exactly the snuggly type. Most Campine chickens prefer their space, and they perform best when they have plenty of outdoor space to forage. That said, they don’t mind people. They just don’t warm up to becoming your best friend.

This heritage breed generally lays up to 200 eggs a year, according to the Livestock Conservancy, which is a pretty good amount, especially considering that these hens are a bit smaller than average. They are also not broody – just another thing going for the Campine!

Campine are also in critical conservancy status, so you’d be doing good for chicken diversity to invite some of these rarer chicks onto your farm.

14. Lakenvelder

lakenvelder chicken

Lakenvelder chickens are a threatened breed. These stunning salt-and-pepper hens’ name means “white on a black field,” which is all in all pretty artsy. It’s no surprise that this semi-ancient breed was a primary subject for Renaissance Dutch painters.

One primary reason that these chickens aren’t so popular today is that they need plenty of free-range space to roam, even if the small hens rarely exceed 4 lbs.

These chickens also don’t make great pets, and they tend to keep to themselves. They also aren’t the best for cohabitating with other chicken breeds, as they can become dominant.

However, while these hends lay up to 200 eggs a year, their meat is their real claim to fame. Supposedly, the Lakenvelder is one of the most delicious chickens.

15. White Silkie Bantam

white Silkie Bantam

Bantams are always great, friendly family chickens, but the white silkie bantam is more like a pomeranian than a chicken – at least in mannerisms and appearance. These silly, sweet chickens are very small and generally lay only 120 small cream-colored eggs a year.

However, they have a lot going for them in other departments. They are good mothers, aren’t broody, and do well in both hot and cold climates.

They are generally my top pick for family pets, and I just love how friendly they are!

16. Appenzeller Spitzhaubens

Appenzeller Spitzhaubens

This punk-rock mohawk-ed chicken is one of the most cold-hardy breeds out there. The Appenzeller Spitzhauben is originally from Appenzell, Switzerland, and it is not very popular in North America. In fact, most official chicken organizations don’t even recognize it as a breed.

That said, like most of the rarer breeds, this chicken needs its space and isn’t very personable. Additionally, the hens only lay around 150 eggs a year.

17. White Faced Black Spanish

white faced black spanish chicken

The white faced black Spanish hen is another chicken that isn’t thrilled with human contact. These birds are best kept with other birds of their own breed, as they may become noisy, stressed, or dominating when they are with other hens.

These hens, averaging about 6.5 lbs, lay large white eggs, but they only lay around 180 a year.

These hens don’t have a great constitution when it comes to heat and cold, either.

Because they can be needy, loud, and aloof, they are not ideal for everyone. However, they are beautiful and might be the perfect bird if you live in a mild climate and prefer self-managing, slightly antisocial flocks.

18. Sumatra

Sumatra chickens are rare on the homestead since they have a spicy attitude (that means they are aggressive. However, these birds are incredibly stunning, and some people attempt to tame them enough to show them at fairs and breeder exhibitions.

So, while they lay lovely white eggs and look like the prettiest thing you’ll ever see, they don’t come highly recommended as homestead birds here at Outdoor Happens.

19. Holland Chicken

holland chicken

Last but certainly not least, we have the Holland chicken! Holland chickens are cold-hardy, easy-to-please, friendly birds that lay their fair share of eggs every year – approximately 240!

Let’s mention the major drawback of Holland hens before we sing their praises: these birds can be broody.

Otherwise, they adapt well to smaller or free-range environments, rarely pick fights, and will get more comfortable with humans than most breeds.

White Chicken Egg FAQs and Brown Egg Myths Debunked!


For some wild reason, there are loads of misconceptions and FAQs regarding brown-feathered chickens vs. white-feathered chickens. And their eggs!

I have a ton of experience studying these birds and am happy to opine.

Are Brown Chicken Eggs Healthier Than White Eggs?

Several of my chicken farming and homesteading friends think that brown eggs are healthier than white eggs. I’ve also heard rumors that only white-feathered chickens lay white eggs – or that brown eggs taste more delicious. Neither of these is true – in my opinion, at least!

After researching the nutritional differences between white and brown eggs more closely, I found this note from AskUSDA that says how an eggshell’s color does not affect the nutritional content. The only real difference is the color of the shell – not the egg.

I can also testify to the taste of white vs. brown eggs. I’ve experimented with various chicken egg recipes over the years from many chicken breeds. All of the eggs taste roughly the same – regardless of the eggshell’s color.

The most significant difference in egg quality and taste you’re likely to notice is when you buy store-bought eggs versus eggs from your backyard chicken coop. The fresh eggs from your backyard coop always taste better, especially if you give your hens an excellent quality of life – then there’s no comparison!

If You Buy Eggs From a Store, I Recommend Choosing the Following.

What Is an Easter Egger Chicken? Are They Real?

If you have a chicken flock stuffed with Mediterranean chickens that lay mostly white eggs, you might decide to add a dash of character to your roost. If there’s one chicken that I can recommend in this case, it’s the legendary Easter Egger chicken!

The Easter Egger chicken is an adorable hybrid chicken. Imagine a family-friendly chicken that lays a variety of eggs colorful enough for any egg basket or Easter egg hunt. They’re also one of my favorite choices for home-raised chickens.

Their eggs range from a bluish-green to pinkish-hue. They’re beautiful birds, and their bright eggshells are a wonder to behold! Whenever I tell my friends about Easter Egger chickens, they think I’m joking and kidding the youngsters.

The truth is that Easter Egger chickens are as real as the Easter Bunny. Or any other bunny! They’re green and blue egg layers, and they’re family-friendly. How can you lose?

Do Easter Eggers Lay White Eggs?

Easter Eggers are world-famous for laying randomly-colored eggs. Your Easter Egger hens lay beige, brown, pink, green, and blue eggshells. There’s no way to guess which color eggs Easter Eggers will lay. The only way to find out is to wait and keep a close eye on the eggs!

Are White Chicken Eggs Safe to Eat?

Yes, of course. Chicken eggs are an excellent source of protein, and few things are as savory, affordable, and convenient as eggs. No matter the eggshell colors! Many health experts also cite that eggs can support eye health.

I realize that many health-conscious wellness gurus despair about the potential cholesterol content of chicken eggs. But there’s good news on that feathery front. A recent document published in The Harvard Gazette cited that up to one chicken egg per day is not associated with cardiovascular risk.

Egg lovers of the world, unite!

I think the experts will continue to argue about the cardiovascular risk of eggs and the healthiest way to eat eggs. In my opinion, backyard hen eggs are a delicious, safe, and nutrient-dense way to nourish the entire family quickly and affordably.

When it comes to cheap and delicious protein, it’s tough – if not impossible to beat eggs!

PS: I also think there are plenty of breakfast foods that are much worse than eggs – especially if you or your family reaches for sugary cereal or overloaded breakfast pastries stuffed with added sugars.

Is It Safe to Bleach Brown Eggs White? Do Stores Bleach Their Eggs?

I think not! Never put bleach on eggs that you intend to eat! That doesn’t sound like a good idea.

If you want to decorate your eggs, then I only recommend food-grade and fully-edible accessories.

Here are some cool food coloring marker pens I found on Amazon that are safe, have edible ink, and help decorate your eggs. These are tons of fun for your kids! No bleach is required.

Food Coloring Pens, 11Pcs Double Sided Food Grade and Edible Marker | Edibleink

These markers are perfect for decorating white eggs! The food-grade coloring ink is 100% edible! You can safely use the markers to decorate cookies, cakes, Easter eggs, or other kitchen artwork projects. The food coloring markers also have ten colors and flexible brush tips. They're perfect for jazzing up round eggs

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01/20/2025 02:46 pm GMT

Why Do Brown Eggs Cost More Than White Eggs?

I think there are two reasons. First is the energy required to color brown eggs. Brown eggs start as white eggs! Brown egg-laying hens add a brown pigment to the exterior shell during egg formation.

Remember that many Mediterranean chickens, which are renowned white egg layers, don’t add brown (or blueish-green) pigments to their eggs – and therefore require less energy to produce one white egg. This extra energy that colored-egg layers need equates to more chicken feed and theoretically higher cost.

I also think public perception plays a role in the cost of brown eggs! Many people falsely believe that brown eggs are healthier, which only drives the price of brown eggs up higher and higher – while also making white eggs less desirable.

I guess that smart egg consumers like us can win by raising backyard chickens or knowing that the eggshell’s color never makes a difference!

What About You? What White Egg Laying Chicken is Your Favorite?

Do you love the adorable appearance of the Polish chicken? The spunky attitude of the Fayoumi chicken? Or the easygoing personality of the California Gray? I would love to read your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

If you’d like to read more about chickens, have a look at these:

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions about the natural egg-laying process of chickens – and I thank you so much for reading!

What Chickens Lay White Eggs The ToP 19 White Egg Laying Chickens

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