My SleekEZ Brush Review – Tried and Tested on Horses and Dogs [With Video!]
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It’s that time of year again when horses, dogs, and other furry critters start shedding their winter coats. That means it’s time for you to make your best Chewbacca impression as the hair accumulates. However, you could take a more Luke Skywalker approach by using the SleekEZ brush for dogs, cats, horse blankets, carpeting, and even your furniture and saddle pads instead!
The SleekEZ is a great de-shedding brush for horses, dogs, and cats. Its short, wavy blade removes an astonishing amount of hair with relative ease. Plus, it seems to be a favorite among pets and horses, as it offers an excellent massaging scratch without being too rough.
So, let’s test this cool grooming tool on horses, dogs, and cats. We’ll also review the pros and cons of the SleekEZ vs other great grooming tools like the FURminator and Groom Ninja to help you find the best hair-eraser for your horses and pets.
Note: I bought this brush myself. It is not sponsored by SleekEz, and they didn’t send me a free one – dang! We’ve never used this brush before, so today, we gave it a test on four horses and three dogs before writing this SleekEZ review. Without fail, they all loved it.
What’s Inside:
What Is SleekEZ?

Designed by Jennifer Tipton, an equine dentist, the original SleekEZ is a de-shedding brush initially created for horses. Still, it has since been adapted to work for dogs, cats, rabbits, and other hairy critters.
The original SleekEZ brush is designed to replicate the experience felt by a horse engaged in a mutual grooming session with a herd buddy. It has an oval handle that fits neatly into the palm of your hand, allowing you to roll the grooming tool over the animal’s body in a gentle manner.
With such cool claims to offer a comfortable grooming experience to horses and pets, we thought we might as well give it a try and review what we liked and didn’t like about the SleekEZ.
This is the one we bought:
This US-made shedding tool has short teeth arranged on a wave-shaped blade, helping protect your furry friends' skin while removing incredible amounts of loose hair and dirt.
You can also get all multiple sizes in a combo pack or pick up the colorful Pro version.
Here are some examples of all the different types of SleekEZ brushes, all of which have some glowing reviews on Amazon:
How Does SleekEZ Work?

As many SleekEZ reviews tell you, there are no sharp teeth or tingly tines. So you won’t irritate your animal’s skin.
SleekEZ brushes have a unique tooth pattern that provides a “pleasing scratch.” Additionally, it has a “patented wave-form blade” that easily removes stubborn knots and tangles from short, long, and shedding coats.
On the downside, the “patented wave-form blade” looks like a hacksaw blade. That may be off-putting for some and inspire others to, inadvisably, attempt to create their own SleekEZ grooming brushes!
Whether you opt for the horse brush, the whole combo, or the latest PRO brush, you’ll get more than just a grooming tool.
The design of the brush means it’s just as good at removing hair from upholstery and carpets as it is at removing dirt and dander.
What’s more, it is ergonomically designed, so it fits into the palm of your hand. Otherwise, if you opt for the larger SleekEZ brushes, they are comfortable to use with two.
Using the SleekEZ Brush For Horses
The only area where the SleekEZ falls short is if your shedding horse or dog is covered in a thick layer of mud, dirt, and dander.
Many SleekEZ reviews note that, although this grooming tool “works OK on a muddy horse,” it only works “about as well as a metal or rubber curry comb.”
Still, you could get a decent dandy brush with big enough bristles to remove the mud, then finish the job with your SleekEZ.
I found that removing the loose, shaggy hair from our long-haired ponies took a bit of effort. It gets a LOT of hair off, but they don’t end up “sleek in minutes.” It would take many, many hours with this brush to get them sleek and ready for summer.
On my big stock horse and Arab x pony, though, it works a treat. The hair glides off!
Once you’re finished with your grooming session, however, you should have saved enough time to start doing something creative with all that fur – like one of the Amazon customer reviews shows you!
Using the SleekEZ for Dogs
While effective on horses, this grooming tool comes into its own when used on domestic animals. The dog brush, for instance, “eliminates up to 95% of pet hair shedding in your house.” That means no more clogged vacuum cleaners or blocked air filters!
The mere thought of brushing my dog brings me out in a cold sweat and him out in a furry fury of gnashing teeth. Those nightmares are a thing of the past, however, since I started using the SleekEZ.
I have five dogs. They all, without fail, loved being brushed with this brush! In fact, they loved it so much that they actually tried to shove each other out of the way to get more brushing, and they’d ask for more every time I stopped.
Look at my big fella:
The design of this dog grooming brush means there’s no more tugging at knots and matted clumps of hair.
As a result, my dog is far more cooperative about the grooming process. Thankfully, that means I walk away with all my fingers still intact!
None of my dogs are particularly “hairy,” but it gets the dirt and loose hairs off nonetheless. I struggled a bit with my boy’s “lumps” around his neck and shoulders, but it works beautifully along his back and butt. Here he is:
While it works effectively on most pets and dog breeds, those with a hairy Husky may need more than one tool.
Unlike other grooming tools (like the FURminator, for instance), the SleekEZ dog brush doesn’t penetrate very far into the coat. So, you might need a different approach or tool for those longer, shaggier coats.
Using the SleekEZ on a Cat

When your cat starts shedding its winter coat, it can seem as though your feline friends are on an interior design mission, redoing all your upholstery and creating a camouflaged, fuzzy environment.
The SleekEZ cat brush will not only save your furniture from turning to fur. It will also make your cat more comfortable.
As we all know, cats were once worshipped as gods. I still wonder why they’re not anymore, so a certain level of caution and cooperation are required for any grooming session.
However, the SleekEZ brush gives your pet a full-body rub while removing “shedding hair, dirt, and dander.” This gentle massage makes grooming more pleasant, even for the moodiest cats.
Plus, it not only removes loose hair but also extracts the shedding undercoat.
There’s no pulling or tugging – just a gentle massage that will see handfuls of hair (and dirt) falling to the group in neat little piles. Do you know what else this “bionic cat tongue” can do? Eliminate hairballs!
SleekEZ vs FURminator
There are tons of great de-shedding brushes, but one of the best-known ones is the FURminator. However, when it comes to comparing the FURminator vs the SleekEZ brush, there’s no clear winner. Each one has some advantages and disadvantages.
While the original SleekEZ doesn’t have a FURejector button, it does offer some unique benefits.
That’s not to say the FURminator isn’t a great product – it is. However, it’s not been created with your animal’s comfort in mind to the degree the SleekEZ has.
The FURminator retains a traditional style and shape, which means more brushing and less massage therapy. However, if you don’t use it correctly, the FURminator can cause your animal discomfort, especially if they have sensitive skin.
That’s because, when comparing the SleekEZ brush vs the FURminator, you’ll notice a difference in the sharpness and length of the comb’s teeth. Instead of the waveform blade of the SleekEZ brush, the FURminator has rake-like teeth.
While this means you can get “deep down trapped undercoat hair,” the FURminator is unsuitable for dogs with sensitive skin or that don’t shed a lot.
The FURminator does have a Mission Impossible-sounding FURejector button which the SleekEZ lacks. The FURejector is designed to release collected hair so you can groom seamlessly without manually cleaning your brush.
It doesn’t always work that effectively, however. As one review of the SleekEZ vs the FURminator said:
“On our Australian Shepherd the FURminator fills with hair almost immediately. We spend all our time stopping the brushing, removing the hair, and starting again. It’s a very frustrating process for us and our Aussie.”
Manually removing hair from a brush is, admittedly, time-consuming. However, the SleekEZ’s design means it doesn’t collect loose hair like other brushes. Instead, it simply discards it in a neat pile.

So, if you’ve got a very hairy Pyrenees Mountain Dog or a super furry Old English Sheepdog, you may want to choose the FURminator vs SleekEZ.
If, on the other hand, you’ve got a ragtag collection of hairy hounds and short-haired pooches, the SleekEZ brush might be better. It’s simply a more versatile brush, and it’s effective on a broader range of coats.
Groom Ninja vs SleekEZ
At face value, when comparing the SleekEZ vs the Groom Ninja, the two de-shedding brushes look very similar. They both have a wooden block for a handle and a toothed blade that looks like it would be more at home on a hacksaw.
However, the tooth design is what sets these two brushes apart.
The Groom Ninja’s blades come in three different sizes. Horse owners, in particular, are encouraged to buy three, so they can use the small three-inch blades in tricky areas like the pasterns and poll, and the larger one on the main body.
The SleekEZ is much more versatile, though. If you choose a SleekEZ, you can do the job of all three Groom Ninjas with one tool, saving you over $30.
Although some SleekEZ reviews say it lacks the “contoured design” of the Groom Ninja, I found that it sits very comfortably in your hand.
My two girls love using the SleekEZ, too, and they can hold it comfortably. I only bought the 5″ brush, and I’m glad I did. Although the bigger brush would do the job faster on our horses, I found this little one easy to hold. Plus, it’s a great size for kids. Ideally, I’d have both the 5″ and the 10″ – dreams for the future.
If you’ve got particularly large hands, you’ll probably struggle with the smaller Groom Ninja as you would the small SleekEZ grooming tool. That is all the more reason to get some smaller-handed minion to groom you!
The Groom Ninja vs SleekEZ is a tight contest. Still, if saving a few dollars is the order of the day, SleekEZ offers the best value and is more widely available. You can find the SleekEZ on both Amazon and TractorSupply, neither of which stock the Groom Ninja.

We love our furry friends, but we tend to love them a little less when spring does its thing, and they begin to distribute vast quantities of loose hair, giving carpets, humans, armchairs, and beds a liberal fresh coat of fur.
It doesn’t have to be this way, though, thanks to the SleekEZ grooming tool for dogs, horses, and cats. This little brush will strip away matted fur as quickly as it does loose hairs and hair dirt, turning your hairy hound into a chic, sleek, and truly unique canine catwalk contender.
Working as effectively on hamsters as it does horses, a SleekEZ will transform your animal’s grooming experience into a comfortable one not dissimilar to a full-body massage (but without the oil and incense).
When comparing the SleekEZ brush vs the FURminator and Groom Ninja, the SleekEZ is the clear winner. It works faster than the FURminator because it doesn’t clog up with fur or require a FURejection button. Plus, it’s cheaper than the Groom Ninja, making it one of the most cost-effective grooming tools.
All in all, I highly recommend SleekEz. It works much better than other de-shedding tools we’ve tried, and even the kids can use it!
Do you have one? Are you going to try it? Let us know in the comments below!
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