narragansett and bourbon red turkeys

13 Best Meat Turkey Breeds for Your Homestead

Raising poultry such as turkey on your homestead is an excellent way for you and your family to enjoy plenty of healthy protein. And turkey is our favorite way to put delicious meat in your freezer – and on your…

thick and healthy backyard chickens foraging and exploring freely

The Cost of Raising Chickens In the USA [Meat and Egg Chickens!]

Whether you want fresh eggs or to be more self-sufficient, you may have wondered about the cost of raising chickens. Unlike other livestock like pigs or cows, chickens need relatively little space. So many homesteaders are starting to farm them in their…


The Best Pig Breeds for Beginners and Small Farms

When you first start looking at getting pigs for your homestead it can be a bit overwhelming. Heck, any new animal is overwhelming. You’ll make a few key decisions upfront though and one of those is which breed of pig…

frozen beef chunks resting on a wooden cutting board

Here’s How Much Freezer Space You Need for Half a Cow

If you eat beef regularly, you may have wondered about how much freezer space you need for a quarter of half a cow. Buying bulk meat can be a great way to be more environmentally responsible while supporting local farmers and reducing…