
Does It Hurt Chickens to Lay Eggs?

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It sounds like my hens are being tortured. The shrill cries, cackles, and shrieks they make when laying an egg are enough to have the neighbors making noise complaints or, on a particularly bad day, reporting a suspected murder. The ruckus made by my backyard chickens certainly sounds like an expression of discomfort, but does it hurt chickens to lay eggs?

I wouldn’t want any of my animals to experience unnecessary pain, and the thought that my hens might be going through contractions and labor pains every other day concerns me.

When I hear that ear-shattering shriek of one of my hens laying the first egg of the day, I can’t help wondering, “Does laying an egg feel like human labor and birth?”

So, let’s get to the bottom of this question and take a look at what science has to say about whether chickens feel pain when laying their eggs or not.

Is Egg Laying Painful for a Chicken?

Lots of people throughout history have wondered if the cackle hens let out when laying is a sign that it hurts chickens to lay eggs. But only modern science has proven that chickens likely don’t feel pain when laying eggs.

The fact that hens will eat right before and after laying suggests that your basic backyard hen isn’t experiencing any real pain during the laying process. Otherwise, she would stop eating and show signs of distress instead.

Opinions & Research on Whether a Chicken Feels Pain When Laying an Egg

Way back in the 1st century, Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella firmly believed chickens were crying out in pain when laying their eggs.

Although backyard chicken keepers prefer to think of these vocalizations as the “egg song,” Columella was convinced they sounded more like “shrill cries and sobbing.”

Others believed they were grieving, while some evidently more imaginative theorists suggested: “It was crying in pain from the cold air rushing into where the egg had come out.”

It’s true that, in some circumstances, certain birds may experience pain when laying an egg. However, it seems more than likely that chickens don’t experience much pain, if any, when laying their eggs.

Young pullets, for instance, can wheeze while laying and may bleed from the vent. Similarly, older hens laying very large eggs may make some “gasping vocalizations” as it passes through.

For the most part, however, chicken keepers today believe these vocalizations actually sound more celebratory than sad.”

Laying an egg is certainly very different from giving birth. My chickens only spend a couple of minutes in their nesting boxes, for starters, whereas in human women, labor “takes an average of 9 hours.”

Some have done experiments of their own and established that a hen is happy to eat “until the last 30 seconds to one minute of laying… And as soon as the egg drops, they are ready to eat again.”

Other research from the University of Maryland has proven that the “cackling” sounds chickens make when laying are different from the sounds they make when they are in pain or stressed.

So, ultimately, under normal circumstances, chickens probably don’t feel pain when laying eggs.

Why do they make that cackling sound if it does not hurt chickens to lay eggs, then? Well, let’s find out.

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01/20/2025 07:08 pm GMT

Why Do Chickens Scream When They Lay Eggs?

Chicken in the yard
Cackling or “screaming” is a species-specific behavior for chickens. Pretty much all hens, all over the world, do it.

One would think that a newly laid egg is something your hen would like to keep quiet about rather than announcing it to the world at the top of her voice, and yet the egg song – if you can call a total cacophony a song – is performed millions of times a day, all over the world.

Hundreds of years of study and multiple hypotheses have emerged as to why chickens feel the need to scream bloody murder every time they lay an egg.

Reasons Chickens May Sing the Egg Song

The four leading theories as to why chickens scream or cackle when they lay an egg are:

  1. A Song of Celebration – some people believe that chickens create all this commotion because of pride. They’re basking in the glory of their remarkable achievement!
  2. Perplexing Predators – many birds try to draw predators away from their nests and newly laid eggs. While some birds put on elaborate displays, others seemingly attempt to deafen everyone in the vicinity. One theory about the egg song is that it is designed as a diversion, intended “to get a predator’s attention on them and not wherever they just laid their egg.”
  3. Come Home – this theory is based on the notion that chickens, being naturally private birds, prefer to lay eggs in secrecy. Once the job is completed, they shout, shriek, and cackle to let the rest of the flock now it’s over, signaling that the others can now approach.
  4. Ready for the Rooster’s Return – similar to the Come Home theory, the hypothesis is based on the idea that a hen will move away from the flock to lay an egg. In a natural environment, a small flock of chickens will roam a large territory, rarely stopping in one place for long, “as the rooster keeps them moving, looking for food.” As a result, once the egg-laying hen has done the deed, so to speak,  “she will call out to the rooster to come get her and bring her back to the rest of the flock“.

What Might Cause An Egg-Laying Chicken to Experience Pain?

There are some circumstances in which a female chicken may show signs of pain while laying an egg. In these cases, you’ll notice several other symptoms or signs that it does hurt your chickens to lay eggs.

Let’s look at the cases in which your hen may feel pain when laying:

The Hen Is Young

Young chicks inside their hen house.
A younger hen is more likely to feel discomfort or pain when laying.

Pullets and young hens sometimes exhibit evidence of pain, such as making a wheezy noise or a squeak as the egg passes. You may even find a smear of blood on the chicken eggs or in the hen’s chicken poop later on.

As the weeks pass and more eggs are laid, however,  her muscles will relax, and “her vent will stretch out, and laying will likely become much more comfortable“.

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01/21/2025 04:39 am GMT

The Eggs May Be Very Large for the Hen

If your chicken emits distressed noises when laying an egg, it could be going through an arduous process, laying a particularly large egg.

In 2009, a story erupted in the UK about the ethics of eating large chicken eggs, especially those produced on poultry farms.

Although Christine Nicol, Professor of Animal Welfare at the Royal Veterinary College, admits, “There is no strong published evidence of pain in egg-laying hens,” she also believes that “it’s not unreasonable to think there may be a mismatch in the size of birds and the eggs they produce”.

Other experts support her perspective, saying that selective breeding, “whether larger eggs or larger numbers of eggs, can cause a range of problems such as osteoporosis, bone breakage, and prolapse.”

How to Make a Laying Hen Comfortable

A chicken laying an egg in a nest box in a henhouse.

While conditions in egg farms can lead to pain during egg-laying, either as a result of environment or diet, it does not hurt a healthy domestic chicken to lay eggs… if she is taken care of.

Some ways to ensure that your hens don’t feel discomfort when they lay their eggs include:

  • Offer plenty of calcium and protein. If given enough calcium and protein, domestic chickens should be healthy and robust enough to lay an egg a day or every few days, depending on the species.
  • Keep nesting boxes clean and comfy. Similarly, well-designed chicken coops and nesting boxes lined with chopped straw or pine shavings create a comfortable and chicken-safe environment for egg-laying.


Can a Large Egg Get Stuck in a Chicken?

A large egg can get stuck inside a chicken’s vent, which is called egg binding. If a chicken is egg-bound, she will feel some pain and discomfort. Adding warmth, moisture, and lubrication can help your hen pass the egg.

Can Chickens Feel Pain?

We can say for certain that chickens can feel pain. Research on chickens’ central nervous systems and behaviors, like their sounds, movements, and learning processes, has taught us that chickens feel pain just like most birds and mammals.

What Does a Chicken Feel When She Lays an Egg?

A chicken feels pressure when she lays an egg. Chickens have few nerve receptors in their reproductive tract, which means that a hen will feel muscle contractions but little to no pain when laying an egg.

Your Chicken Takeaways

It’s highly unlikely that your chickens will stop singing their egg songs at the top of their voices every morning, but it’s similarly unlikely that their squawking and shrieking have anything to do with discomfort – it’s simply the nature of chickens.

The best thing you can do for your laying hens is to create a safe and comfortable environment in which they can lay eggs naturally.

A balanced diet will also help keep your layers at the peak of health so even if they do experience a bit of discomfort, they will soon bounce back.

Eating the eggs of chickens you raise yourself seems like a fair exchange to me, but I also steer away from layer pellets and other forms of food designed to boost egg production, sticking to natural ingredients like fermented and sprouted seeds.

Similarly, I don’t add lights to my coop in the winter, letting my hens have a natural rest from laying, rather than trying to increase hours of light to bolster production. The benefit is that my chickens will lay off the egg song for a few weeks, giving us all a chance to sleep in!

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