Can Goats Eat Cucumbers?
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Can goats eat cucumbers? Goats are renowned for their voracious appetites, and they will frequently eat a wide variety of foodstuffs – whether we want them to or not! If you grow your own vegetables, you’ll be quite familiar with the glut of cucumbers harvested from the garden through the summer months, and you might consider feeding the surplus to your goats. Let’s find out if cucumbers are a good treat for goats!
Can Goats Eat Cucumbers?

Goats can eat cucumbers, and when fed in moderation they make a healthy and refreshing snack for goats. Goats can eat all parts of the cucumber fruit, including the skin and seeds. The leaves and flowers of the cucumber plant are also safe for goats to eat.
What Parts of the Cucumber Can a Goat Eat?

As long as it is prepared correctly, goats can eat all parts of the cucumber. Each part of the cucumber has different benefits, so feeding the flesh, skin, and seeds in your goat’s dinner maximizes the nutritional value of this salad vegetable.
The flesh of cucumber has a high water content, which will help to keep your goat hydrated on a hot summer’s day. Cucumber skin and cucumber seeds contain higher concentrations of nutrients than the flesh, which is a great reason to stop peeling your cucumbers!
Cucumbers are very low in calories but high in some hugely beneficial nutrients. This makes them the ideal snack for goats that are prone to weight gain or obesity, and they will help to satisfy hunger.
The fiber content of cucumbers is beneficial to the digestive system, helping to keep everything moving and preventing constipation. Cucumbers are also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that provide a range of health benefits to goats.
So, if you’ve got a glut of cucumbers from your vegetable garden, your goats would certainly appreciate tucking into them! Goats appear to relish the taste of cucumber, and they enjoy eating this healthy and refreshing treat.
The Benefits of Feeding Goats Cucumbers
Cucumbers are not just a tasty treat for goats, but they also provide numerous health benefits. By adding cucumbers to your goats’ diet you can help keep your herd fit, healthy, and thriving.
Here are some of the main benefits of cucumbers:
1. Improved Hydration
Did you know that 95% of a cucumber is water?! Water is essential to maintaining the healthy metabolic functioning of every body system, and animals can take in a considerable amount of water through their food.
So, if your goat eats a lot of dry food such as hay or grain, adding cucumbers to their diet can help to boost their water intake.
2. Improved Physical Health
The skin and seeds of cucumbers are packed full of essential vitamins. Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining good eyesight, cellular repair – particularly skin – and boosting immunity. Cucumbers are also high in vitamin K, an important component in blood clotting.
The vitamin C in cucumbers is a beneficial antioxidant, helping to prevent cellular damage and reduce the risk of cancer. Cucumbers also contain other antioxidants, beta-carotene, and manganese, as well as several compounds known to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Cucumbers are a good source of potassium, which works with the metabolic systems to maintain and regulate blood pressure. The magnesium in cucumbers builds strong muscular tissue and regulates nerve function.
3. Digestive Health
Cucumbers may be mostly water, but they are also a good source of fiber. Fiber is vital for good digestive health, as it keeps everything moving along the gastrointestinal tract. However, be aware that feeding too much cucumber may cause things to rush through the intestines a little too quickly, leading to diarrhea!
4. Increased Milk Production
Lactating goats have increased nutritional needs, and their food intake should be altered to account for this. Feeding nutrient-rich food such as cucumbers can help your goats to produce better yields of high-quality milk.
Not only will milk output be low without adequate nutrition, but your goat will also lose weight and be at risk of various health problems. This can also affect the growth rate and health of any offspring that are dependent on her milk.
The Dangers of Feeding Cucumbers to Goats
Luckily cucumbers are a relatively safe food source for goats, but there are a few risks to be aware of.
Firstly, any hard fruit or vegetable can present a choking hazard to goats. This happens when large chunks of food are not chewed sufficiently and become lodged in the esophagus – the tube down which food travels to the stomach. In ruminants such as goats, choke can lead to a dangerous build-up of gas in the digestive system.
All livestock should have a dietary plan, with a wide range of nutritional food sources. Cucumbers may be the perfect treat, but they do not provide enough nutrition to maintain the health of goats. Feeding cucumbers as the bulk of your goat’s daily diet could lead to malnutrition.
If your goat is pregnant or nursing, it is safe for her to eat cucumber – but only as an occasional treat. During the reproductive process, female goats have very high-calorie needs. Low-calorie fruit snacks such as cucumber may lead to weight loss and health problems, and developmental problems in youngstock.
Any pregnant or lactating goats should be fed a balanced diet that contains sufficient nutrients to meet the needs of both the goat and her offspring. Providing this is done, cucumbers can then be added to the diet as a tasty treat.
How to Feed Cucumbers to Goats

So, you’ve got a few tasty fresh cucumbers for your goats as a treat. They will no doubt be queuing up for this delicious healthy snack, but it is important to do a little bit of prep work first!
As with all fruits and vegetables, cucumbers should be washed before they are fed to goats. This removes microscopic particles of dirt and debris, as well as potentially harmful bacteria and residues of chemicals such as pesticides.
Check the cucumber carefully for any soft spots or signs of mold that could indicate it has started to go rotten. Only fresh, ripe, crisp cucumbers should be fed to goats – any moldy cucumbers should be relegated to the compost bin.
Goats can eat cooked cucumbers. However, cooking them is not necessary as goats can safely eat fresh cucumbers raw. The cooking process may also reduce the nutritional value of cucumbers, so it is not worth going to the bother of cooking them.
Goats can and will eat whole raw cucumbers, but feeding them in this way increases the risk of choking. A good strategy is to hold the cucumber firmly in your hand for your goats to nibble, so they can’t bite off and swallow large lumps.
Alternatively, it takes just a few moments to chop a cucumber and make it safe for goats to eat. This also helps you regulate how much cucumber each goat gets, as you can distribute it into their food bowls.
Cucumbers can be sliced into cubes, slices, or batons to be fed to goats. Make sure all pieces are bite-size, so your goat can enjoy them without the risk of choking.
For a fun game and to provide some environmental enrichment, scatter chopped cucumber and other vegetables in your goat’s hay ration. They will spend hours seeking out every last tasty treat, helping to keep boredom at bay.
Alternatively, cucumber batons can be fed in this hanging treat ball, making treat time fun for your goats.
In the mood for baking some treats for goats? Grated cucumber would work really well in this recipe for goat cookies!
Another great way to feed cucumbers to goats is to give them chilled cucumbers on a hot day (this is also a nice refreshing treat for chickens!). Chop some cucumber and place it in the refrigerator for a few hours, or in the freezer for around 30 minutes, then feed it to your goats.
Can Goats Eat Cucumber Leaves and Vines?
All parts of the cucumber plant, including the leaves and vines, are safe for goats to eat. This is another good reason to keep goats well away from your vegetable plot, as they will happily snack on many of your vegetable plants!
At the end of the season when your cucumber plants are no longer bearing fruit, you might consider feeding them to your goats. However, only feed fresh green leaves and vines to goats. Any part of the plant that has turned brown or been affected by mold should be discarded on the compost heap.
Can Baby Goats Eat Cucumbers?
When baby goats are very young, they will rely entirely on their mother’s milk for nutrition. However, as they grow older they will start to nibble on different foodstuffs and are normally weaned at around 6-8 weeks of age.
Once a goat is weaned onto hay and concentrate feed, you can start to introduce small amounts of different treats into their diet. It is important to do this gradually so the digestive system does not become overloaded. Eating a large amount of unfamiliar food can cause severe digestive discomfort which may be debilitating to your young goat.
So, once your goat babies have transitioned onto solid food, you can start to feed them two or three small cubes of cucumber a few times a week as a healthy snack. This should be a treat, rather than their main food source.
We hope you’ve enjoyed our guide to feeding cucumbers to goats! At least now you’ll have something useful to do with your surplus harvest in the summer months – just don’t forget to keep some aside for your chickens too!
Keep reading!
- Why Your Cucumber Leaves Are Turning Yellow and How to Fix Them
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