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31 Awesome Chicken Coop Signs Ideas

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Are you looking to spruce your coop with a sign or two to make things livelier? Then read this post! I’ve scanned through countless dozens (or more) of chicken coop signs so you can find the coolest decor options that you’ll treasure. Your brood is about to get a whole lot cooler. Let’s take a look!

Before we dive into chicken coop signs – have you named your chicken coop and your chickens yet?

Read these fun lists to help name your coop and chickens! We brainstormed a marvelous list of 110 adorable chicken coop names that you’ll love. We also made an epic list of 115 cute and funny names for your hens and roosters. Give those two lists a read if you want to have a ton of fun naming your flock!

Click on the images to see more details about the signs or to purchase one!

Funny Chicken Coop Signs


1. Rise & Shine Mother Cluckers

By CCR Custom Metals, Etsy

I love this chicken coop sign by CCR Custom Metals. Made from metal, it’ll last forever outside. These signs are all hand cut with a plasma machine. 

2. Wicked Chickens Lay Deviled Eggs

Wally’s Wood Crafts

Not that there is such a thing as a ‘Wicked Chicken’, but this sign is still pretty cool. I suppose they can be a little wicked and certainly not without attitude; mine have been known to steal the dogs’ bones! You can buy this sign on Amazon.

Read more: How to Build the Perfect Chicken Coop

3. Sometimes You Just Gotta Say Cluck It and Walk Away

Grateful Heart Design

Well, yes, indeed! Cluck it! Handmade from solid wood, and engraved rather stylishly – this sign will brighten up your chicken coop for sure. Buy on Amazon.

cluck-it-funny-chicken-coop-signIf you agree that 2020 was one of those years, and you want to say cluck it and forget that 2020 ever happened, then this might be one of the coolest chicken signs on this list. Especially if you have a sense of humor and can use a good laugh to help soften the blow and put 2020 behind all of us!

4. She’s Beauty & Grace…. She Will Peck You in the Face

Warmth of Wood Tx

A chicken with attitude… This one is perfect for my dog-bone-stealing chicken! This chicken was put in her place by the dog, who promptly pulled 1 of her tail feathers out. She indignantly sauntered away, never to steal another bone from him again.

This sign is hand-painted on pine wood, pellet-style. These guys have a lot of great chicken coop signs, including one I love a lot: “The pet that poops breakfast”. If that doesn’t make you want to have eggs for breakfast, I don’t know what will!

Read more: Chickens vs Ducks on the Homestead

5. Laid in the U.S.A.

Twisselman Trading Co

For the patriotic chicken, this sign is the perfect match! You can select different finishes, and it’ll last well outdoors being made out of 14 gauge steel using a CNC plasma machine.

6. The Fluffy Butt Hut

fluffy-but-hut-chicken-coop-sign Last one in is a rotten egg! Click on the pic to see it on Amazon.

7. Danger: Velociraptor Containment!


If you’re a dinosaur nerd like I am, then this chicken coop sign might make you chuckle and crack a smile. This sign gets double points if you’ve ever laughed to yourself and thought that your chickens look like dinos as they run around your yard!

8. They Can Be Real Peckers


Warning – do not make the chickens angry, they can be real peckers. This one really made me laugh. When my chickens go even one minute without something to eat they turn from sweet little fluffy ladies into Gremlins, in about 1 second! A fitting sign for my coop.

Read more: Pheasants vs Chickens for a Homestead Income

9. Hey, Don’t Judge Me!

dont-judge-me-chicken-coop-sign-idea If your loved ones and neighbors tease you about having way too many chickens, then this sign is the perfect way to show your support to your beloved coop with humor – and with style.

10. Welcome to Cluckingham Palace


Here’s your chance to have a chuckle and respect your royally feathered monarchy at the same time. Your friends and family will get a kick out of this sign – and your chickens will feel regal and noble as a result!

This sign is only suitable for indoor use because it’s made from wood. I would personally still use it outdoors – just coat it with a few layers of external laquer or Clear-Seal and it’ll be fine for years to come. Otherwise, hang it undercover so the weather can’t get to it.

11. I Refuse to Become a Nugget


This tough little chick brings a bit of humor to your coop!

12. Chickens: the Pet That Poops Breakfast


Not sure if “poops” and “breakfast” should be in one sentence, but it’s a great sign nonetheless.

Vintage Chicken Coop Signs

13. Rise and Shine!

Here’s a vintage chicken coop sign that shows off your sense of humor and classic style! I love the bold font, deep colors, and retro theme. This sign makes your coop stand out!

14. Angeloken Retro on Vintage Metal

beautiful-vintage-chicken-coop-sign Do you want a classic and low-key tin sign for your chicken coop? Here’s a cool-looking retro metal chicken coop sign that seems like faded, deep-blue wood. Nice dapper touch!

15. Welcome to Sunrise Farm!

If you want gorgeous artwork to help decorate your chicken coop – then you’ll adore this metal vintage sign. The sign warmly welcomes all and will add an artistic flair to your chicken coop.

16. Farm Fresh Eggs Retro Vintage


Look at this hidden diamond in the ruff that will turn your chicken coop into an instant classic. I love the worn design that looks like it’s been in use for 50 (or 75) years. It’ll be our little secret that your sign is brand new, and tin – not wood!

17. Good Morning Sunshine


Not really a “funny” chicken coop sign but it’s so beautiful, I had to include it. Romance streams from every pore of it 😀

18. Welcome to Our Coop


A whimsical chicken coop sign for boys and girls!

Classic Chicken Signs for Coop

19. Hello Classic, Rustic, and Simple


Check this instant classic that will transform even the most modest of chicken coops into an artistic expression. I love the artwork and rustic simplicity!

20. Nobody Crosses The Chicken


Want your chance to prepare the perfect response to “why did the chicken cross the road” jokes and to make your chicken coop look fantastic at the same time? Then take a gander at one of my favorites!

21. Classic Chicken Crossing


Here’s a rugged .032 gauge aluminum sign that will last. I also love the way this classic and vibrantly-yellow chicken crossing sign looks! This sign also gets extra points for durable ink – perfect for outdoor use.

22. Essential Chicken Coop Rules


If you run a tight ship and want to keep your entire coop in line – then you’ll get a fun kick out of these genius chicken coop rules. Excellent if you watch over an unruly gathering! I also love how this sign is guaranteed not to fade for 4-years. Bonus points!

23. Cluck Oink Moo

Cluck-oink-moo-chicken-coop-signThis is the perfect sign for the farm. Maybe not just a chicken coop sign, but I love the simplicity and it’s perfect for when you’re raising several different types of homestead animals. Click on the image to see it on Amazon.

Personalized Chicken Coop Signs

24. MAIYUAN Name Personalized Chicken Coop Sign


Behold! The perfect personalized coop decoration made with scratch resistance and durable ink. I love the old-fashioned wooden vintage look! The sign also sports weather protection and won’t fade. Perfect for outdoor use.

25. Rustic Barnwood Chicken Coop Sign

farm-fresh-eggs-personalized-chicken-coop-signWant an old-school looking decor option with a modern twist? Then take a look at this classic faux barn wood tin sign that you can customize to match as you like.

26. Farm Fresh Eggs Daily

chicken-coop-sign-personalizedI adore the old-fashioned style of this tin sign! The eco-friendly ink and UV-printing also offer fade-resistance. The design looks great while paying respect to your hard-working chickens.

27. Welcome to Your Chicken Coop!

welcome-to-the-coop-chicken-signIf you want a cartoonish theme to make your chicken coop more fun and livelier, then this is one of my favorite personalization options. The vendor also guarantees your satisfaction!

Metal Chicken Coop Signs

28. Why Did the Chicken Cross?


I relish how this sign flips the script on the chicken road crossing jokes. If you have respect for your flock and want to show off the sophistication of your coop, then this philosophical chicken coop sign bestows your wisdom – and respect.

29. Chickens at Play!


Here’s a bright, vibrant, and colorful chicken coop sign that also has a cute tongue-in-cheek style. As a bonus, this sign can help keep your beloved flock safe from anxious family members and visitors who may inadvertently tread on your chicks!

30. Beware of Attack Chickens!


If you have a roughneck pack of chickens who are always ready to rumble, then here’s the coolest chicken coop sign! This sign will warn all trespassers, baddies, and troublemakers that your flock won’t tolerate having their feathers ruffled!

31. Farm Fresh Eggs on Vintage Metal


I cherish this rustic style chicken coop sign that has a retro overtone. If you’re looking for a metal chicken coop sign that will make your backyard look 10x cooler and more original, then this is one of my favorite choices.

Chicken Coop Sign FAQs

There are a handful of questions you might have if you’re researching the best and coolest chicken coop signs possible. But don’t despair! I’ve answered some of the top chicken coop FAQs that you might encounter in your coop-decorating quest.

Tips for DIY Chicken Coop Signs


One thing I’ve noticed is that everyone wants to buy chickens (and chicks) these days. The New York Times wrote about this chicken-buying phenomenon, and it’s a great read: America Stress-Bought All the Baby Chickens

I think that one of the coolest ways to make your flock unique, and to welcome them into your family – is to build a DIY chicken coop sign!

That’s one of the reasons we’re spending so much time brainstorming funny chicken coop names and cute chicken names. These lists can help you imagine the perfect DIY chicken coop sign ideas.

Here are a few of my favorites examples so you can draw upon a trove of inspiration when creating your sign.

My 5 favorite chicken coop names:

  • Chicken coup for the soul
  • That’s all, yolks
  • Which came first?
  • All cooped up
  • Egg layers anonymous

My 5 favorite chicken names:

  • Cluck Norris (Lol!)
  • Reese Featherspoon
  • Lindsey LoHen
  • Albert Eggstein
  • Hennifer Lopez

Once you choose the perfect chicken coop name or names for your flock mates, then you need to gather the best material to build a DIY sign.

There are tons of blank wood sign and acrylic paint options on Amazon. But beware! Many of the blank canvas wood signs don’t have weatherproofing! If you’re curious to learn more, here’s an excellent read on how to weatherproof wooden signs.

You can also consider trying stencils, patches, stickers, and other craft items to help decorate your chicken coop sign. Here’s an awesome chance for a fun activity with your entire family!

If you don’t have many skills for arts and crafts, then there’s an easier option. You can consider using a freemium graphic design app like Canva to create a DIY chicken coop sign. You could also use Microsoft Word, or any decent word processing app. If you want some beautiful (and free) chicken illustrations to help, then Pixabay is my favorite source! (The gorgeous illustration above is from Pixabay!)

You can then waterproof the paper that you use for printing your sign. This method isn’t as sturdy or robust as using a wooden plank. However, it’s a ton of fun for you and your entire family – and you can’t beat the cost!

The Best Material for a Chicken Coop Sign


The best material depends on what you’re looking for in your sign. Is longevity or style more important to you? Or, do you want a combination of both?

I think that metal is probably your best bet for an outdoor chicken coop sign if you don’t want to fuss with weatherproofing. Metal signs like aluminum are lightweight, affordable, sturdy, and they can also last a long time.

However, I fancy how wood signs look and feel. Wooden signs give a rustic, old-fashioned style that I love for my coop. 

Another big bonus of wood is that it’s much easier (and probably pretty cheap) to get a slab of wood and make a DIY chicken coop sign. You don’t need any fancy tech! Just a piece of wood, some paint, a dash of creativity, and some seal to help weatherize your sign.

Are All Signs Suitable for an Outdoor Chicken Coop?

Not all signs can withstand the outdoor elements over the long-haul. Take wood signs for example. The main issue with some wood signs is that they can fade from sunlight, rain, snow, wind, and exposure if not properly treated.

I don’t panic when signs fade because I think a slightly seasoned appearance can contribute to a rustic and old-fashioned look that I appreciate – especially around the chicken coop and barn. 

I also expect signs to fade over the years. But, nobody wants something that’s weathered to the point where you can’t read the sign.

If you want to protect wooden signs from fading and from the elements and inclement weather, then consider adding a layer of acrylic sealer to help prevent the outdoors from wearing your sign. You can also hang the sign safely inside of your chicken coop – which is hopefully dry and warm!

How Big Should a Coop Be? How Many Chickens Can You Fit?


Do you want your chickens to flock in a roomy coop that resembles a chicken and goat palace? Or, would you rather have something humbler and cozier? You have options! 

One smart rule of thumb is to offer at least 2 to 3 square feet of space per chicken in your coop. That way, your chickens have plenty of room to spread out without stress.

Do Chickens Need a Coop?

More critical than the size of your chicken coop is the protection that your coop provides to your chickens. Your coop should protect your chickens from predators like foxes, coyotes, hawks, raccoons, owls, wild cats, and others.

Chicken coops also bring other not-so-obvious benefits, you know – especially during lockdowns! “Backyard chicken coops can beautify a home, and provide eggs and friendship during isolation.” – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Your coop also protects your chickens from cold weather, water, disease, and the outdoor elements. Keep your coop clean to help prevent attracting rodents and wild animals – which can introduce serious health issues to your chickens.

Want a more thorough reference about chicken coops, including how to build one from scratch? Then read our ultimate guide on building the best chicken coop. Here’s a must-read reference if you want to learn more about all things chicken coops!

Besides a Sign, What Else Does a Coop Need?

This question reminds me of an article I read that talks about building a luxury chicken coop! “The custom coop includes a crystal chandelier, art, and, even curtains.” – Egg-Cellent Accommodations: Chickens Enjoy Luxury Coop.

But don’t worry. You don’t need to spoil your chickens to high heaven for them to enjoy a peaceful, comfortable coop. These are my three favorite coop add-ons to treat your chickens – no chandelier required!

1. Nesting Boxes

Your hens love to feel snug, warm, and secure inside of their coops. That’s why you should fit your chicken coop with several nesting boxes so your chickens feel healthy, safe, and comfortable.

Precision Pet 7029286 Single Nesting Box
  • Made in China
  • Package Weight :1.724 kg
  • Package dimensions :33.274 cm (H) x 4.572 cm (L) x 31.496 cm (W)
  • Product type :PET SUPPLIES
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You can also try polyethylene nesting boxes that are easy to clean, keep warmer than metal nesting boxes, and can also help to prevent rust or corrosion.

Little Giant Single Plastic Nesting Box Chicken Nest Box with Perch (Item No. 163620)
$38.89 $34.47
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01/21/2025 10:08 am GMT

Don’t forget nesting pads to keep your hens content and to protect eggs from cracking!

Cackle Hatchery Laying Hen Nest Box Pads - 13" x 13" (6 Pack)
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01/21/2025 08:08 am GMT

2. Chicken Coop Heater

If you live in a cold climate, and if you want your chickens to stay as comfortable as possible, then there’s a good chance that your feathered gang will cluck in excitement and thank you graciously if you offer a chicken coop heater. Don’t worry. The cost is less than you think – and your chickens will love you if you keep them warm!

Cozy Products CL Cozy Safe Chicken Coop Heater 200 Watts Safer Than Brooder Lamps, One Size, Black
$59.99 $48.49
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01/20/2025 03:47 pm GMT

3. A Poultry Pen

If you feel bad for keeping your chickens cooped up and want to let them exercise and stretch their wings without giving pesky coyotes a chance to get them, then you’ll appreciate this spacious poultry pen.

Poultry pens give your chickens plenty of safe space to frolic, run, play, and peck freely. You can easily attach the pen to your existing coop without stress or hassle.

TOETOL Large Metal Chicken Coop (13.1 L x 9.8 W x 6.5 H)
$199.99 $189.99
PAID LINK - We may earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.
01/21/2025 07:04 am GMT

Which Chicken Coop Sign is Your Favorite?

You probably realize by now that each chicken in your coop has a unique personality that you recognize and love. Hopefully, these chicken coop signs help you to further distinguish your flock and can also make your coop much cooler! Which chicken coop sign do you like best? Please let me know your favorite!

A short, but hopefully entertaining post. Maybe it’s inspired you to create your own awesome chicken coop sign, or do you already have one? Love to see your photos below.

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