
71 Practical Homesteading Skills and Ideas You Can Learn Today

Whether you’re already on a homestead or dreaming of being a homesteader, homesteading skills are invaluable – and lots of fun! They give you a real sense of accomplishment, you save money, and you’re becoming more self-reliant in the process….

old diy root cellar in newfoundland canada

How to Build a Root Cellar Cheap [But Effective]

Here’s how to build a root cellar cheaply! And – here’s why you should have a root cellar. Root cellars are used – and have been used – for centuries worldwide to preserve food – especially root crops. You can…

Chef cook cutting exclusive jerky meat on table in a kitchen with loft interior.

11 Ways of Storing Meat Without Electricity

So, you’ve picked out your animals and they are happily on your homestead now, grazing and laying and doing their thing. What happens when the time comes to butcher the animals and turn them into meat? Homesteaders who have refrigeration…