chickens freeranging in winter keeping warm

How to Keep Chickens Warm In Winter Without Electricity

After a surprisingly mild October, temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere are now plummeting, and it’s time to start thinking about how to keep your chickens warm in winter, ideally without electricity. To keep chickens warm in winter without electricity, you…

Young couple in chicken coop holding chicken

My Favorite Chicken Coops from Tractor Supply

Along with the fruits and vegetables you raise in your garden, you also raise livestock that depends upon you for a safe environment. If you love chickens, in particular, you will need to find the best protective shelter for them…


Raising Ducks – Pros and Cons of Backyard Ducks

Let’s dive into the pros and cons of raising ducks in your backyard! Are backyard ducks right for you? Raising Ducks in Your Backyard Those of us living on homesteads, whether they’re in the country or urban areas, have many…