
Can Chickens Eat Cherries or Are They Poisonous?

It’s guava time over here in South Africa and the soft, squishy fruits are tumbling from the trees with alarming regularity. Personally, I hate guavas, but my chickens are rather partial to them. I was a little concerned that they…


What Is a Sex Link Chicken and Why Would I Want One?

Despite the name, a sex link chicken isn’t going to strut around your garden, making come hither eyes at you. They are pretty sexy, as far as chickens go, but the benefits they bring to the homestead are of a…


Can Chickens Eat Strawberries or Tops?

Chickens have a surprisingly varied diet and will gulp down the most disgusting-looking insects and worms just as happily as they will their normal chicken feed. As chickens enjoy a wide range of different foods, you can easily find tasty…


How to Fix a Chicken Twisting Head Upside Down

A chicken twisting its head upside down is a disturbing sight. A symptom of wry neck, this condition is easy to treat, if a little time-consuming, and even easier to prevent. Wry neck can be caused by different issues, all…


31 Awesome Chicken Coop Signs Ideas

Are you looking to spruce your coop with a sign or two to make things livelier? Then read this post! I’ve scanned through countless dozens (or more) of chicken coop signs so you can find the coolest decor options that…