15+ Weeds With Blue Flowers [Blue Weed Identification Guide!]
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Do you have weeds with blue flowers on your lawn? Maybe you’d like to get rid of them or learn how to identify them. Perhaps you’ve even wondered if they might be edible. In this article, we’ll describe several blue weeds plus tell you how they look and where you can find them. We’ll also let you know if they have any known uses.
Of course, if you want to start nibbling on your lawn, you should consult several references first and ensure you have positively identified the plant. Never eat anything unless you’re 100% sure you know what it is and how to prepare it!
But where should you start?
Well – start here!
Here Are 15 Weeds With Blue Flowers
Our blue weed guide will help you identify your weeds without fuss.
And we also share blue weed management tips.
Let’s begin!
1. Asiatic Dayflower (Commelina communis)
The Asiatic dayflower is an annual flowering plant that is native to Asia. It can often get found in gardens, lawns, and waste areas.
This plant can grow up to 50 centimeters tall. The leaves have pointed tips and smooth edges with two large blue petals on top and one white petal underneath. There is also a cluster of yellow in the middle. They often get found near spiderwort.
The young greens can get steamed or fried and eaten. But don’t eat the greens raw. The blossoms can get eaten raw in small amounts. However, the flowery blooms are better cooked.
Hand-pulling is effective for the elimination of small amounts of Asiatic dayflower.
2. Blue Oxalis (Parochetus communis)
This perennial herbaceous plant is native to Africa. The flower of the blue oxalis consists of a massive blue background with a small slipper-shaped section emerging from the center and continuing to the bottom edge of the flower. The plant grows to about 30 centimeters tall, and the clover-like leaves are alternate.
To eliminate blue oxalis, pull it up or smother it with newspaper or mulch.
3. Bush Vetch (Vicia sepium)
Bush vetch is native to Asia and Europe. But you can also find it in North America. These weeds with tiny blue flowers can reach six feet in height. It’s also a climbing plant in the legume family. It has pinnate leaves that are oval with smooth edges. You can usually find Bush vetch in various woodland settings and hedgerows.
Bush vetch adds nitrogen to the soil, so if you have poor soil, you might want to leave it alone and let it do its work. It can be used as green manure, meaning you plow it under after it has grown to help enrich the soil. Bush vetch also provides nectar for honeybees.
The flowers can be eaten raw, and the leaves are okay to eat either raw or cooked. The peas can also be cooked and eaten.
To remove bush vetch, you can pull it up by hand, hoe it, or mow it over with the lawn mower before it goes to seed.
4. Carpetweed (Ajuga pyramidalis)
Carpetweed is a member of the mint family, often found in gardens, lawns, and landscapes. It has square stems and small blue or white flowers. If you look closely – you can also see that the leaves are opposite. You can find this low-growing weed growing throughout the United States.
These blue-flowered weeds are difficult to eliminate. The best way is to pull it up by the roots! Then chuck it somewhere so it can’t take root and start growing again.
5. Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
Chicory is a tall, blue-flowered weed native to Europe. Like many weeds, it has a long taproot and a hairy stem. It’s a medium-sized plant and grows around three to five feet tall. Its leaves look similar to dandelion leaves.
Chicory has edible leaves that can be boiled or eaten as a salad. Some homesteaders also like cooking or boiling the roots and eating them with butter. The chicory roots can also get roasted as a bitter coffee substitute.
Chicory can get kept under control by mowing. However, if you want to eliminate it, you can spot-treat it with an organic weed killer, then reseed the area with grass.
6. Columbine Aquilegia (Aquilegia vulgaris)
Columbine aquilegia is a member of the buttercup family. It is known as European columbine or garden columbine. This perennial can grow up to 24 inches tall, and each bloom has five petals. The flowers grow in blooming groups of 15-25. The leaves are alternate and deeply lobed.
There is debate over whether this plant is edible, so we advise avoiding it.
The best way to get rid of aquilegia (AKA Columbine) is to dig it up and put it somewhere it can’t grow.
7. Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia)
Common blue violet is a low-growing plant found in gardens, fields, walkways, and woods. It is approximately six inches tall. Its bluish-purple flowers bloom in early to late spring from April to June. We love their delicate bluish-purple petals.
Common blue-violet flowers have light and striking purple petals with yellow centers. The flowers and leaves are also edible raw and cooked. Try tossing the leaves into a fresh green garden salad.
The best way to get rid of this ground cover plant is to pull it up by the roots or hoe it. If you have a lot of common blue violet, you may want to use an organic weed killer.
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8. Creeping Bellflower (Campanula rapunculoides)
The creeping bellflower is a perennial plant native to Europe. They got brought to North America in the early 1800s. But be warned! It is an invasive species found all over the contiguous 48 U.S. states and much of Canada. Creeping bellflower has bell-shaped flowers that bloom during the summer.
Creeping bellflower spreads quickly and can outcompete other plants. It produces up to 80,000 seeds per plant! So, it is best not to let it seed if you want to keep it from spreading. It grows around four feet tall and has dark green, jagged leaves.
The leaves can be cooked and eaten as a potherb. It’s best to use the basal leaves since the other leaves are too small to bother or fuss over.
The best way to get rid of creeping bellflower is to dig it up. However, you must make sure to get all of the roots. If they break off, the surviving roots will re-emerge and grow a new plant.
9. Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea)
Also known as ground ivy, creeping Charlie is a perennial weed with blue or purple flowers. It grows close to the ground and has bright green leaves with scalloped edges. It has square stems, and the flowers bloom in early to late spring.
Creeping Charlie tends to smother other plants. You can remove it by clearing branches blocking the sunlight and improving the soil’s drainage. Mowing regularly also helps. If creeping Charlie has already established itself in your lawn, you may need an organic herbicide to fight it.
10. Forget-me-not (Myosotis scorpioides)
Forget-me-not is a small, five-petaled blue flower with a yellow center. These medium-sized weeds with tiny blue flowers grow in moist, shaded areas with rich soil. Although the blooms are famous for appearing violet, they can also be pink, yellow, white, blue, or purple. They have lance-shaped leaves and can get up to 18 inches tall. They were brought to North America by European settlers.
The best way to eliminate forget-me-not from your yard or garden is to dig up the entire plant. Roots and all! Another method is smothering with mulch. For large infestations, you might need an organic weed killer.
11. Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)
How does speedwell look? It is a small, ground-hugging plant that has blue or violet flowers. There are four petals arranged evenly around the center of each flower. But the petal on the bottom is smaller than the other three. The flowers are a lighter blue-veined with a darker blue.
These lawn weeds grow in meadows, woodlands, and alongside the road. The plant is related to mullein and foxglove. Some homesteaders also detest the plant. It is considered an invasive species in some areas of the United States. It spreads by seed and through the roots. It can form a dense mat that smothers other plants.
You might be wondering about getting rid of speedwells in your yard. Hand-pulling is the preferred removal method if you only have a few speedwell plants that need removal. If you have more, try mulching the whole patch or covering it with a few layers of newspaper. You’ll need to reapply every few weeks to prevent regrowth. As always – we avoid using synthetic weed killers and herbicides if possible.
12. Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule)
Henbit is a breathtaking annual plant from Asia and Europe. It is now common in North America as well. Like other mints, it has square stems. Its leaves are green with purple spots, and they are hairy. Henbit grows 20 to 40 centimeters tall, and the flowers usually appear in groups of three to six. They are most often pink or purple but can be blue.
Henbit is frequently fed to chickens but is also edible for humans. All of the above-ground portions of the plants are edible. Henbit is an early spring edible that gets tougher as the seasons progress.
Henbit tends to crowd out other plants. It often gets found in fields, lawns, and gardens. You can remove small amounts by pulling them out by the roots. For large infestations, try an organic weed killer.
13. Siberian Squill (Scilla siberica)
Siberian squill is another early spring bloomer. It is native to Siberia and Russia. Siberian squill eventually got introduced to North America as an ornamental plant. Siberian squill is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows in fields, gardens, and woods. It usually only grows to about six inches tall.
To get rid of Siberian squill, pull it up by the roots or cut it off just above the ground.
14. Slender Speedwell (Veronica filiformis)
Slender speedwell is native to Asia and Europe. It can be found in many states and loves growing in sunny areas.
Slender speedwell has long, narrow leaves grouped in pairs. The leaves are dark green. And if you look closely, they look shiny. It is a markedly tiny plant and is also surprisingly resilient. Expect the small blue flowers to bloom in early summer. Slender speedwell usually grows to about eight inches in height.
This lawn weed gets used as a ground cover by gardeners. However, it can take over and end up in unwanted locations. To eliminate slender speedwell, pull it up by the roots. If that doesn’t work, try using an organic herbicide.
15. Tiny Bluets (Houstonia pusilla)
Unlike most weeds with blue flowers listed here, tiny bluets are a native species in North America. The flowers have five petals and are white or blue. They have opposite leaves and grow in meadows, woods, and fields. The flowers bloom from May to July.
This blue lawn weed is often planted in gardens to attract butterflies.
Like most blue lawn weeds, it is best to pull them up by hand, making sure to get all the roots. You can also mow them over with a lawn mower, but make sure to catch the clippings and dispose of them someplace where they won’t become a problem.
Removing Weeds Once and for All – 4 Steps for a Meticulous Lawn!
There are four main methods for removing pesky plants from your lawn without resorting to harsh chemical herbicides. They are as follows.
1. Pull them! Pull the weeds up by hand and dispose of them in an area. Put them someplace where they won’t cause more problems.
2. Cover them! Cover the weeds with mulch or newspaper, suffocating them and keeping them from getting any sunlight. You may need to repeat several times as the weeds eventually attempt to get through the mulch.
3. Mow them down! Mow the lawn. Depending on the species, this may cause them to stop growing back. Or, it might just hide them and make them less noticeable.
4. Use Organics. Use an organic weed killer or herbicide. These chemicals are not as harsh as commercial herbicides. But they often work just as well. Some well-known organic weed killers include Natria Grass and Weed Control, Bonide Burnout Concentrate Fast-acting Weed and Grass Killer, and Green Gobbler 20% Vinegar Weed Killer. The biggest problem with chemical solutions is that some kill grass too. So you will have to reseed the area after treating it.
Blue Weed FAQs
It’s easy to start freaking out if you see blue weeds in your garden. But no worries!
We’re about to answer some of the most common blue weed questions you’re likely to encounter.
We hope they help you. And your garden!
A surprising amount of weeds and invasive plants have charming blue flowers. We consider blue oxalis, bush vetch, chicory, common blue violet, creeping bellflower, germander speedwell, and henbit among our favorites. But – there are many more!
Identifying the blue weeds in your lawn is difficult without knowing the weed’s characteristics. However, some of the most common blue lawn weeds are Asiatic dayflower, bush vetch, carpetweed, creeping Charlie, henbit, blue violets, slender speedwell, and tiny bluets.
Manual blue weed removal is our favorite method. Manual weed removal involves getting a pair of garden gloves, a hoe, or a small
We know that manually removing blue weeds is daunting. But you don’t have to remove the weeds all at once. Instead, we recommend investing ten minutes now and then to remove the blue weeds. The weeding process is much easier if you work in tiny bursts. Ten minutes per day is all you need. Natural herbicides also help remove blue weeds, but we prefer manual weeding.
Hydrangeas are probably our favorite little or medium-sized blue flowers! But there are countless other blue flowers and cultivars that you can cultivate or find growing wildly in your garden. Some of our favorites are Columbine aquilegia, common blue violet, forget-me-not, Siberian squill, tiny bluets, Himalayan blue poppy, aster, and morning glories.
Blue flowers are beautiful. Even if some gardeners consider some of them weeds! What about you? Do you love these blue flowers as much as us?
Or – are you having trouble identifying a blue weed growing around your lawn and garden?
Let us know!
We’ve seen dozens of blue flowers and weeds in our time from every corner of the world. And we’re happy to help with your questions.
Thanks again for reading.
Have a great day!