An epic rooster waking up and peeking out from the coop.

Our 10 Best Tips For Raising Happy Chickens, Hens, And Roosters!

There’s something magical about stepping into your backyard and being greeted by a flock of excited, happy chickens! Pleasing your flock is also a worthy cause. Your affable feathered friends will happily provide delicious eggs and endless entertainment with their…

adorable farmyard rabbit chicks and a duckling

8 Most Profitable Farming Animals | 2024 USA Smart Farmer’s Guide

Let’s brainstorm the eight most profitable farming animals for 2024! Because meat, eggs, honey, milk, fur, wool, and leather matter – and have enjoyed a historically high demand worldwide. That’s why raising livestock has been an effective revenue generation method…


Mini LaMancha Goats and What They’re Good for

As I listen to my Dwarf Nigerian buck announcing his presence to the world at the top of his voice, I think how nice it would be to have a quieter breed of goat, like Mini LaMancha Goats. While I…


How to Fix a Chicken Twisting Head Upside Down

A chicken twisting its head upside down is a disturbing sight. A symptom of wry neck, this condition is easy to treat, if a little time-consuming, and even easier to prevent. Wry neck can be caused by different issues, all…