Beautiful chickens foraging in a tall grassy pasture.

11 Best Meat Chicken Breeds for Your Backyard Coop

Although many homesteaders keep a few hens for eggs, the next stage for most homesteaders is to start thinking about rearing chickens for meat. Choosing the right breed of meat chicken is vital to the success of this enterprise. Otherwise,…

Lovely Polish chicken lounging on a wooden picnic table.

15 Fancy Chicken Breeds for Your Homestead or Backyard Flock

Are you looking to add some excitement to your backyard flock? Or maybe you’re interested in breeding the next generation of extravagant hens for your homestead? If so – consider raising one of these beautiful, glamorous, fancy chicken breeds! Fancy…

bearded silver laced pullet chicken free ranging and foraging

17 Black and White Chicken Breeds – Our Chanel Poultry List!

Let’s explore 17 beautiful black and white chicken breeds! Or, as we call them, Chanel chickens. These chickens are fancy. And fashionable! For centuries, homesteaders have been keeping poultry not just for utility – meat and eggs, that is – but…