
71 Practical Homesteading Skills and Ideas You Can Learn Today

Whether you’re already on a homestead or dreaming of being a homesteader, homesteading skills are invaluable – and lots of fun! They give you a real sense of accomplishment, you save money, and you’re becoming more self-reliant in the process….


Layers of a Food Forest: Permaculture Shrubs [Part 3]

So far, in our exploration of the different layers of the permaculture food forest garden, we have covered the underground and herbaceous layers that comprise the smaller plants of the ecosystem. Today, we’ll look at permaculture shrubs we can grow in…


How to Grow an Olive Tree and Make Olive Oil

Growing your own olives is a lot less difficult than most folks may think – and doing so will provide you with a sustainable stockpile of this highly versatile oil. We’ll go through how to grow an olive tree and…