baby quail chick with eggs

5 Best Quail Incubators to Hatch Eggs at Home

Did you know that around 80% of quails are farmed in China? Why not change this statistic and start hatching your own quail – we’ve made it easy with these five best quail incubators! Quail eggs hatch in less than…

adorable oberhasli goats

7 Compelling Reasons for Raising Oberhasli Goats

Want to learn more about Oberhasli goats, their traits, and their characteristics? Then read on! We’re about to brainstorm all about Oberhasli goats – including why they belong on your farm or homestead. But first, let’s talk about why goats are all the…


Do Chickens Eat Ticks or Will Ticks Eat Your Chickens?

It’s impossible to have a homestead without a healthy population of bugs and other critters. While some of these bring untold benefits to your veggie garden, others bring nothing but trouble.  Ticks are among those bugs that bring few benefits…


Mini LaMancha Goats and What They’re Good for

As I listen to my Dwarf Nigerian buck announcing his presence to the world at the top of his voice, I think how nice it would be to have a quieter breed of goat, like Mini LaMancha Goats. While I…


Can Chickens Eat Banana Peels?

At some point or another – most homesteaders and chicken parents usually ask the following questions. Can chickens eat banana peels? And is it safe for chickens to eat banana peels? Maybe you’re trying to figure out a way to…


How to Help an Egg Bound Chicken (Or Is She Constipated?)

My Indian Runner Ducks always look a little bit like penguins, but if my chickens start waddling around like Pingu or Feathers McGraw, I know it’s time to worry. Any self-respecting chicken adopting an upright stance like a penguin is…