
Does It Hurt Chickens to Lay Eggs?

It sounds like my hens are being tortured. The shrill cries, cackles, and shrieks they make when laying an egg are enough to have the neighbors making noise complaints or, on a particularly bad day, reporting a suspected murder. The…

beautiful chicken exploring and flying in a green field

Can Chickens Fly? What About Roosters or Wild Chickens?

We all know that chickens are birds, but can chickens fly? After all, it’s not like we see flocks of chickens soaring through the skies every day! Let’s dive into the delightful world of chicken flight (or lack thereof) and…

chickens snacking on organic broccoli crowns in the backyard coop

Can Chickens Eat Broccoli? [Ultimate Broccoli-Feeding Guide]

Feeding vegetables to chickens has many benefits – they add variety to their diet, provide essential nutrients, and can save money on those pesky chicken feed bills! But can chickens eat broccoli grown in your garden? What about leftover broccoli…

adorable farmyard rabbit chicks and a duckling

8 Most Profitable Farming Animals | 2024 USA Smart Farmer’s Guide

Let’s brainstorm the eight most profitable farming animals for 2024! Because meat, eggs, honey, milk, fur, wool, and leather matter – and have enjoyed a historically high demand worldwide. That’s why raising livestock has been an effective revenue generation method…

thick and healthy backyard chickens foraging and exploring freely

The Cost of Raising Chickens In the USA [Meat and Egg Chickens!]

Whether you want fresh eggs or to be more self-sufficient, you may have wondered about the cost of raising chickens. Unlike other livestock like pigs or cows, chickens need relatively little space. So many homesteaders are starting to farm them in their…

chickens exploring and foraging around the vegetable garden

Can Chickens Eat Tomatoes? What About Tomato Seeds or Leaves?

Can chickens eat tomatoes? Yes! Chickens love tomatoes! This tomato and chicken diet question brings me back to my early youth. Watching chickens roaming and foraging around the yard was always one of my favorite childhood pastimes in the countryside….